Brentwood: currently 7°C, cloudy
high today 10°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:49, sunset 15:50
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Everything to do with medicine

We heard today about the Turkish man arrested by police investigating a break-in, because he was walking in a peculiar way.


X-Rays showed that he had secreted a haul from a jewellery theft up his rear end.

Even stranger it emerged that the victim of said robbery was the X-ray machine operator.

On today’s Bygones feature Margaret Mills revealed some Essex folklore remedies for baldness.

A8A3N9 Mature businessman with bald head

A8A3N9 Mature businessman with bald head

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Everything to do with medicine

We heard today about the Turkish man arrested by police investigating a break-in, because he was walking in a peculiar way.


X-Rays showed that he had secreted a haul from a jewellery theft up his rear end.

Even stranger it emerged that the victim of said robbery was the X-ray machine operator.

On today’s Bygones feature Margaret Mills revealed some Essex folklore remedies for baldness.

A8A3N9 Mature businessman with bald head

A8A3N9 Mature businessman with bald head

If you missed them click on the link below – but don’t try these at home.

You have been warned,

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Everything to do with medicine

We heard today about the Turkish man arrested by police investigating a break-in, because he was walking in a peculiar way.


X-Rays showed that he had secreted a haul from a jewellery theft up his rear end.

Even stranger it emerged that the victim of said robbery was the X-ray machine operator.

On today’s Bygones feature Margaret Mills revealed some Essex folklore remedies for baldness.

A8A3N9 Mature businessman with bald head

A8A3N9 Mature businessman with bald head

If you missed them click on the link below – but don’t try these at home.

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Everything to do with medicine

We heard today about the Turkish man arrested by police investigating a break-in, because he was walking in a peculiar way.


X-Rays showed that he had secreted a haul from a jewellery theft up his rear end.

Even stranger it emerged that the victim of said robbery was the X-ray machine operator.

On today’s Bygones feature Margaret Mills revealed some Essex folklore remedies for baldness.

A8A3N9 Mature businessman with bald head

A8A3N9 Mature businessman with bald head

If you missed them click on the link below – but don’t try these at home.

You have been warned,

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