Brentwood: currently 13°C, cloudy
high today 13°C, low tonight 8°C
sunrise 07:48, sunset 15:50
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Anyone fancy a “sneeze” burger?

sneeze burgerWe learnt today why it is sometimes wise not to send back an unsatisfactory meal at a restaurant – more especially if it happens to be of the fast food variety staffed by teenagers.

Later on Margaret Mills popped in to tell us all about the exploits of the Essex pathologist, Francis Camps who amongst other things was famous for producing evidence that convicted serial killer John Christie in the 1950’s.

Francis Camps

If you missed it click on the link below to listen again to what Margaret told me today: –

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Anyone fancy a “sneeze” burger?

sneeze burgerWe learnt today why it is sometimes wise not to send back an unsatisfactory meal at a restaurant – more especially if it happens to be of the fast food variety staffed by teenagers.

Later on Margaret Mills popped in to tell us all about the exploits of the Essex pathologist, Francis Camps who amongst other things was famous for producing evidence that convicted serial killer John Christie in the 1950’s.

Francis Camps

If you missed it click on the link below to listen again to what Margaret told me today: –

See you again next week,

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Anyone fancy a “sneeze” burger?

sneeze burgerWe learnt today why it is sometimes wise not to send back an unsatisfactory meal at a restaurant – more especially if it happens to be of the fast food variety staffed by teenagers.

Later on Margaret Mills popped in to tell us all about the exploits of the Essex pathologist, Francis Camps who amongst other things was famous for producing evidence that convicted serial killer John Christie in the 1950’s.

Francis Camps

If you missed it click on the link below to listen again to what Margaret told me today: –

See you again next week,

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Anyone fancy a “sneeze” burger?

sneeze burgerWe learnt today why it is sometimes wise not to send back an unsatisfactory meal at a restaurant – more especially if it happens to be of the fast food variety staffed by teenagers.

Later on Margaret Mills popped in to tell us all about the exploits of the Essex pathologist, Francis Camps who amongst other things was famous for producing evidence that convicted serial killer John Christie in the 1950’s.

Francis Camps

If you missed it click on the link below to listen again to what Margaret told me today: –

See you again next week,

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