Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 7°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:54, sunset 15:49
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Bob Simpson & Scott Waple – Mental Health Matters Time to Talk

Scott insisted on removing his Elf costume before the photo session!

Scott & Bob

Joined in the studio by Bob Simpson and Scott Waple to talk about their podcast, Mental Health Matters on TIME TO TALK DAY.

Bob and Scott produce a monthly Mental Health Matters programme, covering all aspects of Mental Health.

The programme and its guests are there to help others on their mental health recovery journey. Inspirational, informative and making a difference to peoples lives.

If you have a story about your mental health journey that you feel would help others, then please contact the team at or

Twitter @mhmpodcast


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Bob Simpson & Scott Waple – Mental Health Matters Time to Talk

Scott insisted on removing his Elf costume before the photo session!

Scott & Bob

Joined in the studio by Bob Simpson and Scott Waple to talk about their podcast, Mental Health Matters on TIME TO TALK DAY.

Bob and Scott produce a monthly Mental Health Matters programme, covering all aspects of Mental Health.

The programme and its guests are there to help others on their mental health recovery journey. Inspirational, informative and making a difference to peoples lives.

If you have a story about your mental health journey that you feel would help others, then please contact the team at or

Twitter @mhmpodcast


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Bob Simpson & Scott Waple – Mental Health Matters Time to Talk

Scott insisted on removing his Elf costume before the photo session!

Scott & Bob

Joined in the studio by Bob Simpson and Scott Waple to talk about their podcast, Mental Health Matters on TIME TO TALK DAY.

Bob and Scott produce a monthly Mental Health Matters programme, covering all aspects of Mental Health.

The programme and its guests are there to help others on their mental health recovery journey. Inspirational, informative and making a difference to peoples lives.

If you have a story about your mental health journey that you feel would help others, then please contact the team at or

Twitter @mhmpodcast


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Bob Simpson & Scott Waple – Mental Health Matters Time to Talk

Scott insisted on removing his Elf costume before the photo session!

Scott & Bob

Joined in the studio by Bob Simpson and Scott Waple to talk about their podcast, Mental Health Matters on TIME TO TALK DAY.

Bob and Scott produce a monthly Mental Health Matters programme, covering all aspects of Mental Health.

The programme and its guests are there to help others on their mental health recovery journey. Inspirational, informative and making a difference to peoples lives.

If you have a story about your mental health journey that you feel would help others, then please contact the team at or

Twitter @mhmpodcast


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