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Brentwood Borough Council consulting on Whole Council Elections

Brentwood Borough Council is considering changing its current election cycle and is now consulting with residents and interested parties on how often they would prefer to vote for their Councillors.

The Council currently operates an election by thirds system where voters go to the polls three times over a four year period. There are 37 Councillors who are elected for a four year term. Each year, one third of Councillors are up for election with the exception of the fourth year in which no Borough elections take place.

Over the next six weeks, residents are being asked to tick either the yes or no box on whether the Council should change the way in which it elects our Borough Councillors.

The Deputy Leader of Brentwood Borough Council, Councillor William Lloyd, said: “The basic principle of democracy is asking the people what they want so before you consider changing the process of democracy – you do just that – ask.

“It is really important that we find out what our residents want before we go back to the Council Chamber on 10 December for Councillors to give their views on whether we should move to whole Council elections”.

To take part in the consultation, please visit this link.

The consultation will close at 5pm on Monday 8 December.

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Brentwood Borough Council consulting on Whole Council Elections

Brentwood Borough Council is considering changing its current election cycle and is now consulting with residents and interested parties on how often they would prefer to vote for their Councillors.

The Council currently operates an election by thirds system where voters go to the polls three times over a four year period. There are 37 Councillors who are elected for a four year term. Each year, one third of Councillors are up for election with the exception of the fourth year in which no Borough elections take place.

Over the next six weeks, residents are being asked to tick either the yes or no box on whether the Council should change the way in which it elects our Borough Councillors.

The Deputy Leader of Brentwood Borough Council, Councillor William Lloyd, said: “The basic principle of democracy is asking the people what they want so before you consider changing the process of democracy – you do just that – ask.

“It is really important that we find out what our residents want before we go back to the Council Chamber on 10 December for Councillors to give their views on whether we should move to whole Council elections”.

To take part in the consultation, please visit this link.

The consultation will close at 5pm on Monday 8 December.

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Brentwood Borough Council consulting on Whole Council Elections

Brentwood Borough Council is considering changing its current election cycle and is now consulting with residents and interested parties on how often they would prefer to vote for their Councillors.

The Council currently operates an election by thirds system where voters go to the polls three times over a four year period. There are 37 Councillors who are elected for a four year term. Each year, one third of Councillors are up for election with the exception of the fourth year in which no Borough elections take place.

Over the next six weeks, residents are being asked to tick either the yes or no box on whether the Council should change the way in which it elects our Borough Councillors.

The Deputy Leader of Brentwood Borough Council, Councillor William Lloyd, said: “The basic principle of democracy is asking the people what they want so before you consider changing the process of democracy – you do just that – ask.

“It is really important that we find out what our residents want before we go back to the Council Chamber on 10 December for Councillors to give their views on whether we should move to whole Council elections”.

To take part in the consultation, please visit this link.

The consultation will close at 5pm on Monday 8 December.

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Brentwood Borough Council consulting on Whole Council Elections

Brentwood Borough Council is considering changing its current election cycle and is now consulting with residents and interested parties on how often they would prefer to vote for their Councillors.

The Council currently operates an election by thirds system where voters go to the polls three times over a four year period. There are 37 Councillors who are elected for a four year term. Each year, one third of Councillors are up for election with the exception of the fourth year in which no Borough elections take place.

Over the next six weeks, residents are being asked to tick either the yes or no box on whether the Council should change the way in which it elects our Borough Councillors.

The Deputy Leader of Brentwood Borough Council, Councillor William Lloyd, said: “The basic principle of democracy is asking the people what they want so before you consider changing the process of democracy – you do just that – ask.

“It is really important that we find out what our residents want before we go back to the Council Chamber on 10 December for Councillors to give their views on whether we should move to whole Council elections”.

To take part in the consultation, please visit this link.

The consultation will close at 5pm on Monday 8 December.

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