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William Hunter Way consultation – reminder

Brentwood Borough Council will soon be sending letters out to all households in the Borough to remind them to take part in the William Hunter Way consultation and to also check if they received a copy through their letterbox last month.


Leader of Brentwood Borough Council, Cllr Barry Aspinell, with some of the replies received to date

If residents have not yet received a paper copy, they should follow the advice in the letter which will be to either fill out the consultation online at or contact Brentwood Borough Council to received a copy.

To make sure that residents get the chance to have their say, the deadline for the consultation has been extended and will now end on Wednesday 5th November.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Asset and Enterprise Committee who also Chairs the William Hunter Way Working Group meetings, Councillor Russell Quirk, said: “We may have received more than 2,000 responses from residents so far but when some Councillors were contacted by some residents to say they had not received a copy from the delivery company – it was not an option to ignore it.

On Monday night we had a meeting with officers to decide on the best way to address any concerns we had on distribution of the consultation. We decided to send a letter to residents giving them a chance to request a copy is posted to them or reminding them they call also fill it in online.

We have ensured that our residents have been involved in this process from the start by attending our public meetings and feeding into the consultation process and it is vital that we are satisfied we have done everything we possibly can to make sure their voices are heard”.

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William Hunter Way consultation – reminder

Brentwood Borough Council will soon be sending letters out to all households in the Borough to remind them to take part in the William Hunter Way consultation and to also check if they received a copy through their letterbox last month.


Leader of Brentwood Borough Council, Cllr Barry Aspinell, with some of the replies received to date

If residents have not yet received a paper copy, they should follow the advice in the letter which will be to either fill out the consultation online at or contact Brentwood Borough Council to received a copy.

To make sure that residents get the chance to have their say, the deadline for the consultation has been extended and will now end on Wednesday 5th November.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Asset and Enterprise Committee who also Chairs the William Hunter Way Working Group meetings, Councillor Russell Quirk, said: “We may have received more than 2,000 responses from residents so far but when some Councillors were contacted by some residents to say they had not received a copy from the delivery company – it was not an option to ignore it.

On Monday night we had a meeting with officers to decide on the best way to address any concerns we had on distribution of the consultation. We decided to send a letter to residents giving them a chance to request a copy is posted to them or reminding them they call also fill it in online.

We have ensured that our residents have been involved in this process from the start by attending our public meetings and feeding into the consultation process and it is vital that we are satisfied we have done everything we possibly can to make sure their voices are heard”.

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William Hunter Way consultation – reminder

Brentwood Borough Council will soon be sending letters out to all households in the Borough to remind them to take part in the William Hunter Way consultation and to also check if they received a copy through their letterbox last month.


Leader of Brentwood Borough Council, Cllr Barry Aspinell, with some of the replies received to date

If residents have not yet received a paper copy, they should follow the advice in the letter which will be to either fill out the consultation online at or contact Brentwood Borough Council to received a copy.

To make sure that residents get the chance to have their say, the deadline for the consultation has been extended and will now end on Wednesday 5th November.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Asset and Enterprise Committee who also Chairs the William Hunter Way Working Group meetings, Councillor Russell Quirk, said: “We may have received more than 2,000 responses from residents so far but when some Councillors were contacted by some residents to say they had not received a copy from the delivery company – it was not an option to ignore it.

On Monday night we had a meeting with officers to decide on the best way to address any concerns we had on distribution of the consultation. We decided to send a letter to residents giving them a chance to request a copy is posted to them or reminding them they call also fill it in online.

We have ensured that our residents have been involved in this process from the start by attending our public meetings and feeding into the consultation process and it is vital that we are satisfied we have done everything we possibly can to make sure their voices are heard”.

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William Hunter Way consultation – reminder

Brentwood Borough Council will soon be sending letters out to all households in the Borough to remind them to take part in the William Hunter Way consultation and to also check if they received a copy through their letterbox last month.


Leader of Brentwood Borough Council, Cllr Barry Aspinell, with some of the replies received to date

If residents have not yet received a paper copy, they should follow the advice in the letter which will be to either fill out the consultation online at or contact Brentwood Borough Council to received a copy.

To make sure that residents get the chance to have their say, the deadline for the consultation has been extended and will now end on Wednesday 5th November.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Asset and Enterprise Committee who also Chairs the William Hunter Way Working Group meetings, Councillor Russell Quirk, said: “We may have received more than 2,000 responses from residents so far but when some Councillors were contacted by some residents to say they had not received a copy from the delivery company – it was not an option to ignore it.

On Monday night we had a meeting with officers to decide on the best way to address any concerns we had on distribution of the consultation. We decided to send a letter to residents giving them a chance to request a copy is posted to them or reminding them they call also fill it in online.

We have ensured that our residents have been involved in this process from the start by attending our public meetings and feeding into the consultation process and it is vital that we are satisfied we have done everything we possibly can to make sure their voices are heard”.

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