Brentwood: currently 14°C, drizzle
high today 20°C, low tonight 13°C
sunrise 07:25, sunset 18:02
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Join the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers!

Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers

Do you have a few hours spare on Wednesdays and would like to do something to help the community or the environment?

If you do, you can join Brentwood Borough Council’s band of local residents – the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers – who come together every week, whatever the weather, to undertake practical work often on one of the Council’s countryside sites. These include the many Local Nature Reserves, Commons and Sites of Special Scientific Interest, which can be found around the borough.

Examples of tasks recently undertaken by the volunteers include path clearing, litter picking, clearing invasive trees, tackling conservation issues, helping maintain habitats and managing the woodlands. In the past month they have been to Hartswood Woodland, Merrymeads and St Faith’s Country Park.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Environment Committee, Councillor William Lloyd, said: “Joining the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers is an opportunity for residents to improve the natural environment, learn new skills and meet people. You don’t have to commit to every week, and could come along once a month.”

Volunteer Brian Streather said: “You can enjoy the mixed friendly company and discover parts of the Brentwood countryside you didn’t know existed! All tools and equipment are provided and of course tea/coffee and biscuits. You bring a packed lunch, come in suitable clothes and safety footwear and leave the rest to us.”

If you are a resident or business and would like to get involved, you can contact Tracey Lynch on 01277 312701. No experience is needed and projects take place every Wednesday from 10am to approximately 3pm. The group usually meets at King George’s Park at 9.45am.

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Join the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers!

Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers

Do you have a few hours spare on Wednesdays and would like to do something to help the community or the environment?

If you do, you can join Brentwood Borough Council’s band of local residents – the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers – who come together every week, whatever the weather, to undertake practical work often on one of the Council’s countryside sites. These include the many Local Nature Reserves, Commons and Sites of Special Scientific Interest, which can be found around the borough.

Examples of tasks recently undertaken by the volunteers include path clearing, litter picking, clearing invasive trees, tackling conservation issues, helping maintain habitats and managing the woodlands. In the past month they have been to Hartswood Woodland, Merrymeads and St Faith’s Country Park.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Environment Committee, Councillor William Lloyd, said: “Joining the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers is an opportunity for residents to improve the natural environment, learn new skills and meet people. You don’t have to commit to every week, and could come along once a month.”

Volunteer Brian Streather said: “You can enjoy the mixed friendly company and discover parts of the Brentwood countryside you didn’t know existed! All tools and equipment are provided and of course tea/coffee and biscuits. You bring a packed lunch, come in suitable clothes and safety footwear and leave the rest to us.”

If you are a resident or business and would like to get involved, you can contact Tracey Lynch on 01277 312701. No experience is needed and projects take place every Wednesday from 10am to approximately 3pm. The group usually meets at King George’s Park at 9.45am.

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Join the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers!

Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers

Do you have a few hours spare on Wednesdays and would like to do something to help the community or the environment?

If you do, you can join Brentwood Borough Council’s band of local residents – the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers – who come together every week, whatever the weather, to undertake practical work often on one of the Council’s countryside sites. These include the many Local Nature Reserves, Commons and Sites of Special Scientific Interest, which can be found around the borough.

Examples of tasks recently undertaken by the volunteers include path clearing, litter picking, clearing invasive trees, tackling conservation issues, helping maintain habitats and managing the woodlands. In the past month they have been to Hartswood Woodland, Merrymeads and St Faith’s Country Park.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Environment Committee, Councillor William Lloyd, said: “Joining the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers is an opportunity for residents to improve the natural environment, learn new skills and meet people. You don’t have to commit to every week, and could come along once a month.”

Volunteer Brian Streather said: “You can enjoy the mixed friendly company and discover parts of the Brentwood countryside you didn’t know existed! All tools and equipment are provided and of course tea/coffee and biscuits. You bring a packed lunch, come in suitable clothes and safety footwear and leave the rest to us.”

If you are a resident or business and would like to get involved, you can contact Tracey Lynch on 01277 312701. No experience is needed and projects take place every Wednesday from 10am to approximately 3pm. The group usually meets at King George’s Park at 9.45am.

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Join the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers!

Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers

Do you have a few hours spare on Wednesdays and would like to do something to help the community or the environment?

If you do, you can join Brentwood Borough Council’s band of local residents – the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers – who come together every week, whatever the weather, to undertake practical work often on one of the Council’s countryside sites. These include the many Local Nature Reserves, Commons and Sites of Special Scientific Interest, which can be found around the borough.

Examples of tasks recently undertaken by the volunteers include path clearing, litter picking, clearing invasive trees, tackling conservation issues, helping maintain habitats and managing the woodlands. In the past month they have been to Hartswood Woodland, Merrymeads and St Faith’s Country Park.

Brentwood Borough Council’s Chair of the Environment Committee, Councillor William Lloyd, said: “Joining the Brentwood Countryside Management Volunteers is an opportunity for residents to improve the natural environment, learn new skills and meet people. You don’t have to commit to every week, and could come along once a month.”

Volunteer Brian Streather said: “You can enjoy the mixed friendly company and discover parts of the Brentwood countryside you didn’t know existed! All tools and equipment are provided and of course tea/coffee and biscuits. You bring a packed lunch, come in suitable clothes and safety footwear and leave the rest to us.”

If you are a resident or business and would like to get involved, you can contact Tracey Lynch on 01277 312701. No experience is needed and projects take place every Wednesday from 10am to approximately 3pm. The group usually meets at King George’s Park at 9.45am.

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