On today’s show we heard all about one of Britain’s thickest bank robbers.
I have to say that I can’t think of too many people, who if they were going to rob a bank, would first give them their name and address – but this guy did and got two and a half years and a £120 fine for his trouble. Maybe it’s just me getting soft in my old age, but it seems a bit harsh bearing in mind the things that some high profile people, far better healed than this guy, seem to get away with!
Sticking to a somewhat criminal theme, CARL MERRY’S ESSEX TALE this week concerned one ELIZABETH LITTLE, who ran an ostensibly reputable drapers shop in the Leigh-on-Sea of the 1840’s.Trouble was that Elizabeth was a smuggler and most of her wares consisted of contraband.
Listen to the tale again here: –
Right that’s me done for another week. See you next time.