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Food for thought, maybe?

Christmas creeps up on you doesn’t it? With this in mind it did seem right to belt out a few more Christmas songs but not the full house we’ll be playing tomorrow.

Grandpa's rompIt might be Christmas but we still took time out to look at a couple of oddball news stories. The first of these concerned a grandfather in the US who won a radio competition. The prize on offer was perhaps, typically “off the wall”, as the octogenarian had won a night with two call girls on the famous (or should that be, infamous?) BUNNY FARM. Unfortunately he might have “bitten off more than he could chew” since whilst consuming a celebratory steak ahead of his encounter, he choked on the second mouthful and died without getting to his longed for dessert. It seems that even if his main course was interrupted by the demise of Grandpa, for his grandson there was some dessert as one of the girls apparently offered him a “freebie”!

Meanwhile across the border in Canada came news of a convenience store who having caught a shoplifter red Meat in pantshanded, returned the stolen goods to the shelves. No big deal you might say, but when the nicked items turned out to be fresh meat which the miscreant had hidden down inside his trousers, it rather puts a different complexion on things, doesn’t it?

See you tomorrow,


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Food for thought, maybe?

Christmas creeps up on you doesn’t it? With this in mind it did seem right to belt out a few more Christmas songs but not the full house we’ll be playing tomorrow.

Grandpa's rompIt might be Christmas but we still took time out to look at a couple of oddball news stories. The first of these concerned a grandfather in the US who won a radio competition. The prize on offer was perhaps, typically “off the wall”, as the octogenarian had won a night with two call girls on the famous (or should that be, infamous?) BUNNY FARM. Unfortunately he might have “bitten off more than he could chew” since whilst consuming a celebratory steak ahead of his encounter, he choked on the second mouthful and died without getting to his longed for dessert. It seems that even if his main course was interrupted by the demise of Grandpa, for his grandson there was some dessert as one of the girls apparently offered him a “freebie”!

Meanwhile across the border in Canada came news of a convenience store who having caught a shoplifter red Meat in pantshanded, returned the stolen goods to the shelves. No big deal you might say, but when the nicked items turned out to be fresh meat which the miscreant had hidden down inside his trousers, it rather puts a different complexion on things, doesn’t it?

See you tomorrow,


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Food for thought, maybe?

Christmas creeps up on you doesn’t it? With this in mind it did seem right to belt out a few more Christmas songs but not the full house we’ll be playing tomorrow.

Grandpa's rompIt might be Christmas but we still took time out to look at a couple of oddball news stories. The first of these concerned a grandfather in the US who won a radio competition. The prize on offer was perhaps, typically “off the wall”, as the octogenarian had won a night with two call girls on the famous (or should that be, infamous?) BUNNY FARM. Unfortunately he might have “bitten off more than he could chew” since whilst consuming a celebratory steak ahead of his encounter, he choked on the second mouthful and died without getting to his longed for dessert. It seems that even if his main course was interrupted by the demise of Grandpa, for his grandson there was some dessert as one of the girls apparently offered him a “freebie”!

Meanwhile across the border in Canada came news of a convenience store who having caught a shoplifter red Meat in pantshanded, returned the stolen goods to the shelves. No big deal you might say, but when the nicked items turned out to be fresh meat which the miscreant had hidden down inside his trousers, it rather puts a different complexion on things, doesn’t it?

See you tomorrow,


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Food for thought, maybe?

Christmas creeps up on you doesn’t it? With this in mind it did seem right to belt out a few more Christmas songs but not the full house we’ll be playing tomorrow.

Grandpa's rompIt might be Christmas but we still took time out to look at a couple of oddball news stories. The first of these concerned a grandfather in the US who won a radio competition. The prize on offer was perhaps, typically “off the wall”, as the octogenarian had won a night with two call girls on the famous (or should that be, infamous?) BUNNY FARM. Unfortunately he might have “bitten off more than he could chew” since whilst consuming a celebratory steak ahead of his encounter, he choked on the second mouthful and died without getting to his longed for dessert. It seems that even if his main course was interrupted by the demise of Grandpa, for his grandson there was some dessert as one of the girls apparently offered him a “freebie”!

Meanwhile across the border in Canada came news of a convenience store who having caught a shoplifter red Meat in pantshanded, returned the stolen goods to the shelves. No big deal you might say, but when the nicked items turned out to be fresh meat which the miscreant had hidden down inside his trousers, it rather puts a different complexion on things, doesn’t it?

See you tomorrow,


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