Brentwood: currently 13°C, light rain
high today 18°C, low tonight 12°C
sunrise 07:10, sunset 18:22
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Lloyd Cole and the Commotions - Perfect Skin
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Compare The Music

While I’m here, and catching up on all the bits that Rob hasn’t done while I was away, I’ll post up today’s Compare The Music tracks too. A slightly different pace to usual, but nonetheless, two great songs. But which do you prefer?

Jeff Buckley:

Jamie Cullum:



Compare The Music

While I’m here, and catching up on all the bits that Rob hasn’t done while I was away, I’ll post up today’s Compare The Music tracks too. A slightly different pace to usual, but nonetheless, two great songs. But which do you prefer?

Jeff Buckley:

Jamie Cullum:



Compare The Music

While I’m here, and catching up on all the bits that Rob hasn’t done while I was away, I’ll post up today’s Compare The Music tracks too. A slightly different pace to usual, but nonetheless, two great songs. But which do you prefer?

Jeff Buckley:

Jamie Cullum:



Compare The Music

While I’m here, and catching up on all the bits that Rob hasn’t done while I was away, I’ll post up today’s Compare The Music tracks too. A slightly different pace to usual, but nonetheless, two great songs. But which do you prefer?

Jeff Buckley:

Jamie Cullum:


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