A forthcoming change in housing benefit rules has been dubbed the “bedroom tax” by Labour and, for many, the name has stuck.
Hilary Benn, Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government was in Brentwood today to speak to residents affected by the bedroom tax and council tax benefit cuts.

Hilary Benn
This is part of Labour’s campaigning in this area to highlight the damage and destruction that they claim these policies will have on vulnerable people.
Brentwood Labour and Brentwood tenants groups have been very critical of Brentwood Council’s support for these schemes and say they will cause great damage to residents in our local community.
So I was very pleased to welcome to the Phoenix FM studio, Brentwood Councillor Mike LeSurf, Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Hilary Benn, and Maureen Montgomery, Chair of Tenant Talkback to talk about this issue.
You can hear our chat here – [audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Bedroom-Tax.mp3|titles=Bedroom Tax]
My first guest today was Brian Carline from The League of Friends of The Marillac

Brian Carline
The Marillac Nursing Home takes its name and inspiration from Saint Louise de Marillac who is the patron saint of social workers.
Louise de Marillac was the co-founder of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul and spearheaded a congregation, which helped to reshape the entire health and child care structure of seventeenth century France.
Living in a time of great poverty and illness, Louise worked to transform the type of care that was given in hospitals, orphanages, foundling homes, hospices, foster homes, psychiatric facilities and relief centres; she also initiated care in the community. Her work, aided and guided by St. Vincent de Paul, has touched countless lives. Brian told us all about the good work they do. You can hear our chat here –
[audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Brian.mp3|titles=Brian]If you would like to get involved with The League of Friends of The Marillac Nursing home, or have any items to donate for the forthcoming auction, please call 01277 220276 and ask for the League of Friends