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The Rizwan Sabir Mysteries – we talk to Charlie Flowers

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[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Charlie Flowers (Michelle, 23-01-2013)]

Michelle welcomed back Charlie Flowers to our studios. Charlie came in to talk about his two novels, Riz (The Rizwan Sabir Mysteries) and The Fox Princess. The books the story of Riz, a former would-be Al-Qaeda terrorist who now works for a shadowy and violent branch of British security.

Charlie is no stranger to Phoenix FM, having recorded two sessions for us in 2006 and 2007 with his band The Fighting Cocks but music has taken a bit of a backseat while he gets to grips with the novels.

You can buy the books from Amazon – watch out for the special offers on them!

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The Rizwan Sabir Mysteries – we talk to Charlie Flowers

Click here to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Charlie Flowers (Michelle, 23-01-2013)]

Michelle welcomed back Charlie Flowers to our studios. Charlie came in to talk about his two novels, Riz (The Rizwan Sabir Mysteries) and The Fox Princess. The books the story of Riz, a former would-be Al-Qaeda terrorist who now works for a shadowy and violent branch of British security.

Charlie is no stranger to Phoenix FM, having recorded two sessions for us in 2006 and 2007 with his band The Fighting Cocks but music has taken a bit of a backseat while he gets to grips with the novels.

You can buy the books from Amazon – watch out for the special offers on them!

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The Rizwan Sabir Mysteries – we talk to Charlie Flowers

Click here to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Charlie Flowers (Michelle, 23-01-2013)]

Michelle welcomed back Charlie Flowers to our studios. Charlie came in to talk about his two novels, Riz (The Rizwan Sabir Mysteries) and The Fox Princess. The books the story of Riz, a former would-be Al-Qaeda terrorist who now works for a shadowy and violent branch of British security.

Charlie is no stranger to Phoenix FM, having recorded two sessions for us in 2006 and 2007 with his band The Fighting Cocks but music has taken a bit of a backseat while he gets to grips with the novels.

You can buy the books from Amazon – watch out for the special offers on them!

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The Rizwan Sabir Mysteries – we talk to Charlie Flowers

Click here to listen again to the interview:

[audio:|titles=Phoenix FM interview with Charlie Flowers (Michelle, 23-01-2013)]

Michelle welcomed back Charlie Flowers to our studios. Charlie came in to talk about his two novels, Riz (The Rizwan Sabir Mysteries) and The Fox Princess. The books the story of Riz, a former would-be Al-Qaeda terrorist who now works for a shadowy and violent branch of British security.

Charlie is no stranger to Phoenix FM, having recorded two sessions for us in 2006 and 2007 with his band The Fighting Cocks but music has taken a bit of a backseat while he gets to grips with the novels.

You can buy the books from Amazon – watch out for the special offers on them!

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