What a fabulous week it’s been and contrary to the forecast earlier this week, the weekend weather is proving to be a real treat. To celebrate this we had an extra large Packed Lunch today – 3 whole ours just overflowing with music. But not just music, we also looked at some of the quirkier items of news and Frances Clamp also popped in to talk about Brentwood’s one time ELECTRIC PICTURE PALACE.
Some of the oddball news stories we reported included the item about a class of school children who got “high” on their chocolate brownies as one of their number had laced the mix with cannabis, the exhibition of absolutely nothing being staged in London, where for a admission charge of £8 you can see ………… nothing and finally news of some delicious meals enjoyed by our ancestors from the Middle Ages that can now be re-created today thanks to a new cookbook just published. Fancy sparrows on toast, or how about live frog pie? Not to your taste? Well how about sautéed tortoise, barbecued otter, imitation entrails, or perhaps chopped brain fritters? Very nice with chips and washed down with a good Claret!
As for Frances Clamp you can listen again to her contribution right here: -[audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Bygones-22nd-May.mp3|titles=Bygones 22nd May]
But me – I’m off now to sink a couple of jars!
Enjoy the sunshine. See you next week.