Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 7°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:54, sunset 15:49
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The Twilight Sad on Phoenix FM

Andy and James from The Twilight Sad came down to us today to have a chat on Eat My Lunch.

After a nightmarish journey down from Leeds the band took a quick detour to Phoenix towers before heading off to tonight’s gig at the Borderline in London. They also played two songs live for us – That Birthday Present, and new single Sick. But don’t worry if you missed it – you can hear it again by clicking below:

You can find out more about the band on Facebook, Twitter or their official Blogspot.

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The Twilight Sad on Phoenix FM

Andy and James from The Twilight Sad came down to us today to have a chat on Eat My Lunch.

After a nightmarish journey down from Leeds the band took a quick detour to Phoenix towers before heading off to tonight’s gig at the Borderline in London. They also played two songs live for us – That Birthday Present, and new single Sick. But don’t worry if you missed it – you can hear it again by clicking below:

You can find out more about the band on Facebook, Twitter or their official Blogspot.

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The Twilight Sad on Phoenix FM

Andy and James from The Twilight Sad came down to us today to have a chat on Eat My Lunch.

After a nightmarish journey down from Leeds the band took a quick detour to Phoenix towers before heading off to tonight’s gig at the Borderline in London. They also played two songs live for us – That Birthday Present, and new single Sick. But don’t worry if you missed it – you can hear it again by clicking below:

You can find out more about the band on Facebook, Twitter or their official Blogspot.

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The Twilight Sad on Phoenix FM

Andy and James from The Twilight Sad came down to us today to have a chat on Eat My Lunch.

After a nightmarish journey down from Leeds the band took a quick detour to Phoenix towers before heading off to tonight’s gig at the Borderline in London. They also played two songs live for us – That Birthday Present, and new single Sick. But don’t worry if you missed it – you can hear it again by clicking below:

You can find out more about the band on Facebook, Twitter or their official Blogspot.

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