Tuesday’s are probably my favourite day of the week on Phoenix FM Drive due to the abundance of people that are in and out of the studio throughout the afternoon. Today we had a bit of a party. Scott Ross who usually preceeds and follows me on a Tuesday hung around in Studio 2 with his regular guest Frances Clamp. My brother dropped by to assist with proceedings. Girl Tuesday was here regular as clockwork, and Alan Johnson and Paul Golder showed their face too. All that was missing was party poppers and a buffet of sausages on sticks and cheese and pineapple.
Let’s not forget Keith Brown who also joined us for this week’s business round-up which you can listen back to and read all about here… see you tomorrow! [audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Keith-Brown-Business-05-17th-May.mp3|titles=Keith Brown – Business 05-17th May]
05 may 17 phoenix fm news items