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BEST GEEZER now on APPLE TV. Essex Film Makers Success.

Last July I spoke to  Caroline Spence about her film BEST GEEZER, (shot in Essex) since then the film has gone on to win a stack of awards and it is now showing on APPLE TV! Independent film making at its best.

Here I caught up with Caroline and actors,  Lutricia and Andrea  about the film and their current success.

They picked up Best International Feature and  Best Original Screenplay, in HOLLYWOOD!

You can meet the actors on Brentwood High Street 11.00am on Friday 10th May.

BEST GEEZER | Facebook


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BEST GEEZER now on APPLE TV. Essex Film Makers Success.

Last July I spoke to  Caroline Spence about her film BEST GEEZER, (shot in Essex) since then the film has gone on to win a stack of awards and it is now showing on APPLE TV! Independent film making at its best.

Here I caught up with Caroline and actors,  Lutricia and Andrea  about the film and their current success.

They picked up Best International Feature and  Best Original Screenplay, in HOLLYWOOD!

You can meet the actors on Brentwood High Street 11.00am on Friday 10th May.

BEST GEEZER | Facebook


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BEST GEEZER now on APPLE TV. Essex Film Makers Success.

Last July I spoke to  Caroline Spence about her film BEST GEEZER, (shot in Essex) since then the film has gone on to win a stack of awards and it is now showing on APPLE TV! Independent film making at its best.

Here I caught up with Caroline and actors,  Lutricia and Andrea  about the film and their current success.

They picked up Best International Feature and  Best Original Screenplay, in HOLLYWOOD!

You can meet the actors on Brentwood High Street 11.00am on Friday 10th May.

BEST GEEZER | Facebook


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BEST GEEZER now on APPLE TV. Essex Film Makers Success.

Last July I spoke to  Caroline Spence about her film BEST GEEZER, (shot in Essex) since then the film has gone on to win a stack of awards and it is now showing on APPLE TV! Independent film making at its best.

Here I caught up with Caroline and actors,  Lutricia and Andrea  about the film and their current success.

They picked up Best International Feature and  Best Original Screenplay, in HOLLYWOOD!

You can meet the actors on Brentwood High Street 11.00am on Friday 10th May.

BEST GEEZER | Facebook


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