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high today 6°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:54, sunset 15:49
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Always good to catch up with CHRIS BOOTH of CHAPS who do so much for Men’s Health with their FREE health checks.

The next event is in GRAYS 7th March at Impulse Leisure at Blackshots between 2pm – 6pm. Take a look at the link below and call now.

PSA Testing Events @ CHAPS – CHAPS (

If you cannot make this particular event there are others taking place.

Prostate Cancer Screening is really important and requires a simple blood test. Chris recommends that Men speak to their doctor and ask for the test.

Catching cancers, blood pressure, cholesterol early saves lives. CHAPS has saved many lives over the years by early diagnoses.



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Always good to catch up with CHRIS BOOTH of CHAPS who do so much for Men’s Health with their FREE health checks.

The next event is in GRAYS 7th March at Impulse Leisure at Blackshots between 2pm – 6pm. Take a look at the link below and call now.

PSA Testing Events @ CHAPS – CHAPS (

If you cannot make this particular event there are others taking place.

Prostate Cancer Screening is really important and requires a simple blood test. Chris recommends that Men speak to their doctor and ask for the test.

Catching cancers, blood pressure, cholesterol early saves lives. CHAPS has saved many lives over the years by early diagnoses.



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Always good to catch up with CHRIS BOOTH of CHAPS who do so much for Men’s Health with their FREE health checks.

The next event is in GRAYS 7th March at Impulse Leisure at Blackshots between 2pm – 6pm. Take a look at the link below and call now.

PSA Testing Events @ CHAPS – CHAPS (

If you cannot make this particular event there are others taking place.

Prostate Cancer Screening is really important and requires a simple blood test. Chris recommends that Men speak to their doctor and ask for the test.

Catching cancers, blood pressure, cholesterol early saves lives. CHAPS has saved many lives over the years by early diagnoses.



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Always good to catch up with CHRIS BOOTH of CHAPS who do so much for Men’s Health with their FREE health checks.

The next event is in GRAYS 7th March at Impulse Leisure at Blackshots between 2pm – 6pm. Take a look at the link below and call now.

PSA Testing Events @ CHAPS – CHAPS (

If you cannot make this particular event there are others taking place.

Prostate Cancer Screening is really important and requires a simple blood test. Chris recommends that Men speak to their doctor and ask for the test.

Catching cancers, blood pressure, cholesterol early saves lives. CHAPS has saved many lives over the years by early diagnoses.



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