Brentwood: currently 7°C, cloudy
high today 11°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:44, sunset 15:51
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The Tyrell Family of Essex

As part of our “BYGONES” feature last week, Margaret Mills looked at some of the facts pointing to a suggestion that an Essex man, Sir Walter Tyrrell might have had some culpability over the death of William Rufus – William II, and this week Margaret decided to take a closer look at the Tyrrell family of whom, at one time or another, many members had held positions of some prominence in Essex.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

All being well I hope to have the pleasure of your company once more next week,

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The Tyrell Family of Essex

As part of our “BYGONES” feature last week, Margaret Mills looked at some of the facts pointing to a suggestion that an Essex man, Sir Walter Tyrrell might have had some culpability over the death of William Rufus – William II, and this week Margaret decided to take a closer look at the Tyrrell family of whom, at one time or another, many members had held positions of some prominence in Essex.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

All being well I hope to have the pleasure of your company once more next week,

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The Tyrell Family of Essex

As part of our “BYGONES” feature last week, Margaret Mills looked at some of the facts pointing to a suggestion that an Essex man, Sir Walter Tyrrell might have had some culpability over the death of William Rufus – William II, and this week Margaret decided to take a closer look at the Tyrrell family of whom, at one time or another, many members had held positions of some prominence in Essex.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

All being well I hope to have the pleasure of your company once more next week,

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The Tyrell Family of Essex

As part of our “BYGONES” feature last week, Margaret Mills looked at some of the facts pointing to a suggestion that an Essex man, Sir Walter Tyrrell might have had some culpability over the death of William Rufus – William II, and this week Margaret decided to take a closer look at the Tyrrell family of whom, at one time or another, many members had held positions of some prominence in Essex.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

All being well I hope to have the pleasure of your company once more next week,

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