A really interesting chat with writer T G TROUPER on Eat my Brunch this week as part of The Book Club with Sylvia Kent.
T G Trouper lives with his wife in Essex, England. He worked in the live music industry for many years dealing with the requirements of some of the biggest recording artists in the world, and only left reluctantly to care for aging parents. However, this gave him time to take up writing, something that he has always wanted to do.
In her youth, Astrid had dreamt of becoming an actress. But once war breaks out, she gives up her dreams to fight for her country. She retains her acting skills and uses them to her advantage, and she will do absolutely anything to ensure the success of her missions.
The war has degenerated into regular small skirmishes, but her commanders know that there will inevitably be a major assault that will overwhelm them. The only thing that is keeping the onslaught at bay is a policy of assassinating those enemy officers who show talent.
But an enemy general has become aware of Astrid and is determined to stop her.