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Poet Kelli-Marie Sellwood – Listen to her Words

Listening to poet Kelli-Marie Sellwood work live in the studio made everything so calm. If you were listening live at work, home or in the car, you couldnt help but be moved by her words and her voice. Its most hypnotic.

With words with paint our own images in our heads and that is exactly what happened to me in the studio whilst Kelli-Marie read her work.

You can catch her live at the Green City Event (Chelsmford) Saturday 26th August at 10.15am then later in the afternoon, reading her works. The event on Saturday will have a host of singers and creatives on stage. The event is Free so come along! (20+) Green City | Facebook

Find out more about THE WOODLAND WOOM Facebook 





Steve Mortimer, singer, songwriter, producer, came in to talk about his up and coming gig at HOTBOX which will also feature Kelli-Marie. 30th September, tickets are £11.00 all proceeds going towards charity.

S.R.Mortimer, is a solo project by Steve Mortimer aka Black Chapel. Having worked as a remixer and producer as Black Chapel, and then more recently, with the highly successful Connect Film and Performance, Steve pics up the mic this time with thoughtful, moody, and beautiful songs chronicling his experience with Mental Health.

Thank you again to Martin Jeffries from EMJAY MEDIA for bringing in both the guests and for eating the chocolate cakes he gave me as a gift.

S.R Mortimer & Guests Tickets | £11 | 30 Sept @ Hot Box, Chelmsford | DICE



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Poet Kelli-Marie Sellwood – Listen to her Words

Listening to poet Kelli-Marie Sellwood work live in the studio made everything so calm. If you were listening live at work, home or in the car, you couldnt help but be moved by her words and her voice. Its most hypnotic.

With words with paint our own images in our heads and that is exactly what happened to me in the studio whilst Kelli-Marie read her work.

You can catch her live at the Green City Event (Chelsmford) Saturday 26th August at 10.15am then later in the afternoon, reading her works. The event on Saturday will have a host of singers and creatives on stage. The event is Free so come along! (20+) Green City | Facebook

Find out more about THE WOODLAND WOOM Facebook 





Steve Mortimer, singer, songwriter, producer, came in to talk about his up and coming gig at HOTBOX which will also feature Kelli-Marie. 30th September, tickets are £11.00 all proceeds going towards charity.

S.R.Mortimer, is a solo project by Steve Mortimer aka Black Chapel. Having worked as a remixer and producer as Black Chapel, and then more recently, with the highly successful Connect Film and Performance, Steve pics up the mic this time with thoughtful, moody, and beautiful songs chronicling his experience with Mental Health.

Thank you again to Martin Jeffries from EMJAY MEDIA for bringing in both the guests and for eating the chocolate cakes he gave me as a gift.

S.R Mortimer & Guests Tickets | £11 | 30 Sept @ Hot Box, Chelmsford | DICE



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Poet Kelli-Marie Sellwood – Listen to her Words

Listening to poet Kelli-Marie Sellwood work live in the studio made everything so calm. If you were listening live at work, home or in the car, you couldnt help but be moved by her words and her voice. Its most hypnotic.

With words with paint our own images in our heads and that is exactly what happened to me in the studio whilst Kelli-Marie read her work.

You can catch her live at the Green City Event (Chelsmford) Saturday 26th August at 10.15am then later in the afternoon, reading her works. The event on Saturday will have a host of singers and creatives on stage. The event is Free so come along! (20+) Green City | Facebook

Find out more about THE WOODLAND WOOM Facebook 





Steve Mortimer, singer, songwriter, producer, came in to talk about his up and coming gig at HOTBOX which will also feature Kelli-Marie. 30th September, tickets are £11.00 all proceeds going towards charity.

S.R.Mortimer, is a solo project by Steve Mortimer aka Black Chapel. Having worked as a remixer and producer as Black Chapel, and then more recently, with the highly successful Connect Film and Performance, Steve pics up the mic this time with thoughtful, moody, and beautiful songs chronicling his experience with Mental Health.

Thank you again to Martin Jeffries from EMJAY MEDIA for bringing in both the guests and for eating the chocolate cakes he gave me as a gift.

S.R Mortimer & Guests Tickets | £11 | 30 Sept @ Hot Box, Chelmsford | DICE



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Poet Kelli-Marie Sellwood – Listen to her Words

Listening to poet Kelli-Marie Sellwood work live in the studio made everything so calm. If you were listening live at work, home or in the car, you couldnt help but be moved by her words and her voice. Its most hypnotic.

With words with paint our own images in our heads and that is exactly what happened to me in the studio whilst Kelli-Marie read her work.

You can catch her live at the Green City Event (Chelsmford) Saturday 26th August at 10.15am then later in the afternoon, reading her works. The event on Saturday will have a host of singers and creatives on stage. The event is Free so come along! (20+) Green City | Facebook

Find out more about THE WOODLAND WOOM Facebook 





Steve Mortimer, singer, songwriter, producer, came in to talk about his up and coming gig at HOTBOX which will also feature Kelli-Marie. 30th September, tickets are £11.00 all proceeds going towards charity.

S.R.Mortimer, is a solo project by Steve Mortimer aka Black Chapel. Having worked as a remixer and producer as Black Chapel, and then more recently, with the highly successful Connect Film and Performance, Steve pics up the mic this time with thoughtful, moody, and beautiful songs chronicling his experience with Mental Health.

Thank you again to Martin Jeffries from EMJAY MEDIA for bringing in both the guests and for eating the chocolate cakes he gave me as a gift.

S.R Mortimer & Guests Tickets | £11 | 30 Sept @ Hot Box, Chelmsford | DICE



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