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The Orient Hour – s08 e03 – hosted by Simon Cooper, Rich Priest and Tony Smyth with a special tribute to Chris Bart-Williams

Tonight’s show is hosted by Simon Cooper, Rich Priest and Tony Smyth.

The Panel discuss the goings on in and around E10, give their assessment of the pre-season friendlies, transfers, we hear from Richie post-Dagenham and we pay tribute to a former O, Chris Bart-Williams, who sadly passed away on Monday at only 49 years old.

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The Orient Hour – s08 e03 – hosted by Simon Cooper, Rich Priest and Tony Smyth with a special tribute to Chris Bart-Williams

Tonight’s show is hosted by Simon Cooper, Rich Priest and Tony Smyth.

The Panel discuss the goings on in and around E10, give their assessment of the pre-season friendlies, transfers, we hear from Richie post-Dagenham and we pay tribute to a former O, Chris Bart-Williams, who sadly passed away on Monday at only 49 years old.

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The Orient Hour – s08 e03 – hosted by Simon Cooper, Rich Priest and Tony Smyth with a special tribute to Chris Bart-Williams

Tonight’s show is hosted by Simon Cooper, Rich Priest and Tony Smyth.

The Panel discuss the goings on in and around E10, give their assessment of the pre-season friendlies, transfers, we hear from Richie post-Dagenham and we pay tribute to a former O, Chris Bart-Williams, who sadly passed away on Monday at only 49 years old.

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The Orient Hour – s08 e03 – hosted by Simon Cooper, Rich Priest and Tony Smyth with a special tribute to Chris Bart-Williams

Tonight’s show is hosted by Simon Cooper, Rich Priest and Tony Smyth.

The Panel discuss the goings on in and around E10, give their assessment of the pre-season friendlies, transfers, we hear from Richie post-Dagenham and we pay tribute to a former O, Chris Bart-Williams, who sadly passed away on Monday at only 49 years old.

Enjoy the show!

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