For today’s historical feature Margaret Mills took us back to a very blustery day in Southend, back in March 1842 when the town was “visited by a tremendous storm”.
And of course, ships at sea, bore the brunt of the storm.
No less than six vessels were driven ashore suffering considerable damage, many being completely destroyed, after being dashed against the wharfs and piles on the pier.
Eight ships were reportedly wrecked and out of a total of 15 casualties, which included a woman and child, at least 6 men were sailors from Leigh-on-Sea.
Damage was estimated at over £10,000 – a huge sum in 1842!
You can listen again here to what Margaret had to say about this catastrophe: –
Right well I’m now going to “blow” out of here, but not with such force.
I hope to have your company again next week,