Brentwood: currently 11°C, cloudy
high today 12°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:51, sunset 15:49
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Calyco return to Sunday Lunch

It was great to welcome back on to this weeks show my favourite girl band the fabulous Calyco

Calyco, consisting of  Angel, Julie, Tyger, Izzy & Chloe took time out of their extremely hectic schedule to pop onto the show to chat about their brand new single “Unpredictable”.

To listen again to the full interview click on the audio link below;

You can find further information on Calyco and their music at;

Twitter;  @calycomusic

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Calyco return to Sunday Lunch

It was great to welcome back on to this weeks show my favourite girl band the fabulous Calyco

Calyco, consisting of  Angel, Julie, Tyger, Izzy & Chloe took time out of their extremely hectic schedule to pop onto the show to chat about their brand new single “Unpredictable”.

To listen again to the full interview click on the audio link below;

You can find further information on Calyco and their music at;

Twitter;  @calycomusic

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Calyco return to Sunday Lunch

It was great to welcome back on to this weeks show my favourite girl band the fabulous Calyco

Calyco, consisting of  Angel, Julie, Tyger, Izzy & Chloe took time out of their extremely hectic schedule to pop onto the show to chat about their brand new single “Unpredictable”.

To listen again to the full interview click on the audio link below;

You can find further information on Calyco and their music at;

Twitter;  @calycomusic

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Calyco return to Sunday Lunch

It was great to welcome back on to this weeks show my favourite girl band the fabulous Calyco

Calyco, consisting of  Angel, Julie, Tyger, Izzy & Chloe took time out of their extremely hectic schedule to pop onto the show to chat about their brand new single “Unpredictable”.

To listen again to the full interview click on the audio link below;

You can find further information on Calyco and their music at;

Twitter;  @calycomusic

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