Brentwood: currently 12°C, light rain
high today 13°C, low tonight 8°C
sunrise 07:48, sunset 15:50
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Cliff Bennett And The Rebel Rousers - Got To Get You Into My Life
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MENTAL HEALTH – Pilot Scheme to Provide Activities & Therapy for young People & their Families

Michelle was joined by Dominic Fenton to discuss Family Therapy and Activity. With a 9 month waiting list for mental health services on the NHS, it is difficult to get the overloaded and underfunded services of the NHS. With teen suicides on the rise and mental health issues rising out of multiple lockdowns, Dominic is looking for help to start up a pilot scheme to provide activities and therapy for both young people and their families.

If you feel you could benefit from the pilot scheme, please get in touch with Dominic.




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MENTAL HEALTH – Pilot Scheme to Provide Activities & Therapy for young People & their Families

Michelle was joined by Dominic Fenton to discuss Family Therapy and Activity. With a 9 month waiting list for mental health services on the NHS, it is difficult to get the overloaded and underfunded services of the NHS. With teen suicides on the rise and mental health issues rising out of multiple lockdowns, Dominic is looking for help to start up a pilot scheme to provide activities and therapy for both young people and their families.

If you feel you could benefit from the pilot scheme, please get in touch with Dominic.




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MENTAL HEALTH – Pilot Scheme to Provide Activities & Therapy for young People & their Families

Michelle was joined by Dominic Fenton to discuss Family Therapy and Activity. With a 9 month waiting list for mental health services on the NHS, it is difficult to get the overloaded and underfunded services of the NHS. With teen suicides on the rise and mental health issues rising out of multiple lockdowns, Dominic is looking for help to start up a pilot scheme to provide activities and therapy for both young people and their families.

If you feel you could benefit from the pilot scheme, please get in touch with Dominic.




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MENTAL HEALTH – Pilot Scheme to Provide Activities & Therapy for young People & their Families

Michelle was joined by Dominic Fenton to discuss Family Therapy and Activity. With a 9 month waiting list for mental health services on the NHS, it is difficult to get the overloaded and underfunded services of the NHS. With teen suicides on the rise and mental health issues rising out of multiple lockdowns, Dominic is looking for help to start up a pilot scheme to provide activities and therapy for both young people and their families.

If you feel you could benefit from the pilot scheme, please get in touch with Dominic.




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