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How to Improve Fleet Maintenance

When you have a fleet and a vehicle breaks down, the repairs can be costly. And when it’s in the shop for repairs, it can’t be used in your daily operations as much. It’s a good idea to implement a few techniques for improving your maintenance strategy.

Consider Fleet Management

Keeping your vehicles running can be challenging for your finances but using a fleet management system will get you everything you need to come up with a preventative maintenance schedule to reduce costs. You can input everything from fuel usage to engine hours to miles traveled. The right software also helps you keep track of downtime that could be caused by vehicle problems. You will then be better prepared to predict patterns and identify problematic areas.

It can cost a bit to get started with the software, but it can be worthwhile since it lets you create a better preventative maintenance plan. It could potentially save you a significant amount of money and time. Fleet management isn’t all about preventative maintenance, however. It can also prevent accidents that can result in costly repairs. You can use real-time incident detection and preventive in-cab coaching. An I dash cam means coaching is able to be proactive, ultimately lowering costs.

Monitor Behaviour of Drivers

If your drivers don’t have safe habits, it can lead to an accident. It’s a good idea to monitor your driver behavior and patterns. For instance, if they often accelerate or brake hard, it can be harder on the brakes and tires, leading to repairs more often. And that can also increase the risk of an accident. When you have the right tracking devices linked to your software, it’s easier to keep an eye on driver behavior. You’ll be better equipped to determine deceleration, acceleration, and idling times. And you can keep an eye on the drivers’ turning habits and when the vehicle is engaged. Once you find patterns in your drivers, you might decide to offer training to help them improve their habits.

Keeping Records on Vehicle Data

Even if you know how to take care of a new car you also need to understand how to maintain an existing fleet of less-new vehicles. It’s important to have accurate records on maintenance and what parts of the vehicle have gotten the required servicing. Of course, the exact costs can vary, depending on who does the repairs and how much upkeep you do on a regular basis. Better records allow you to reduce the number of repairs that could have been avoided int eh first place. And the right software can help you automate reminders for doing things like oil changes and tune-ups.

Plus, you can put the past records in, so you can easily track the history of each vehicle. Many kinds of tracking devices let you monitor vehicle performance, eliminating the need for unscheduled maintenance. That’s because many devices can connect to the truck’s diagnostics system, and it will let you know when there is an issue and what you should do about it. This helps you create a more effective strategy to avoid breakdowns or malfunctions of the equipment on board.

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