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How to Improve Your Academic Writing Skills

If you work in a field of academic research, your results are probably “ripe” for recognition; you should share it with others. How can you improve your research-based writing? How is it any different from essays or an interview article? What should you pay special attention to when writing an evidence-based text? Let’s find that out!

Any written work starts with a topic. But if you have already conducted research and have completed the practical part of your chosen analysis, you will have no problem with it. Just come up with a headline that is eye-catching.

The goal of your article, or any writing services, should never be simply impressing your colleagues or rivals. Your work is already filled with careful research and study. Do it to spark people’s interest in your field.

Consider contacting someone who can provide unbiased feedback to your writing, before publishing it.

Analyze all the points you’ve made. Have your previous conclusions changed? Maybe there’s something new you thought of? How does it change the way you present your results in an academic piece of writing?

Do not be afraid to be bold in your conclusions.

It remains to format the text in accordance with academic requirements. The nuances of such standards will vary depending on the publication where you plan to publish the article. The most common structure of a scientific article is embodied in the principle of IMRAD:

Introduction: the relevance and importance of your research, its objectives, a brief description of the issues under consideration. In the introduction it is necessary to outline the general theses and gradually to pass to concrete statements.

Methods: How exactly you did your research, what methods and materials you used. Also describe all the factors that may have influenced the results obtained.

Results: Did you manage to find the answer to the questions, what answers did you get? This part of the text is filled with specific theses and arguments. Tables, graphs, figures should be placed here.

And, Discussion: your conclusions, comparisons with the results of previous research on the topic, the value of your research, as well as the future prospects of studying the topic.

For some publications, a scientific article may require an annotation and a list of keywords placed before the introduction. The abstract reflects the content of your text, which very briefly states the objectives of the study, its main aspects, methods and results. The abstract should be as informative and somewhat provocative as possible to interest the reader. Keywords are a list of key terms discussed in the article.

Of course, like any academic text, a scientific article ends with a list of all the sources used.

It is advisable to choose publications for the publication of your article at the stage of research, as each has its own requirements for the design and content of materials. If you really want to have your own publication only in a certain edition, the topic of the article can be determined according to its features.

It is convenient to search for scientific publications with the help of special catalogs. In addition, everyone in the university has various specialized publications; detailed information can be found on the sites (for example). As a rule, scientific conferences offer the publication of reports in separate collections. Therefore, also pay attention to current conference announcements.

A scientific article is your contribution to the development of science. Whether it is significant or goes unnoticed is up to you.

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