Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:53, sunset 15:49
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The Incredible Jazz Pianist, Composer DAN BANKS talks about his new album and more

Michelle Ward was joined by a incredibly gifted jazz pianist, composer and researcher, DAN BANKS.

Dan talked about his new album DAN BANKS QUINTET – SIMULATED CITIES which is out on the 1st December.

An interesting conversation with one of the countries top jazz pianists about composing, recording and jazz, including his research into Chick Corea.




The Dan Banks Quintet




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The Incredible Jazz Pianist, Composer DAN BANKS talks about his new album and more

Michelle Ward was joined by a incredibly gifted jazz pianist, composer and researcher, DAN BANKS.

Dan talked about his new album DAN BANKS QUINTET – SIMULATED CITIES which is out on the 1st December.

An interesting conversation with one of the countries top jazz pianists about composing, recording and jazz, including his research into Chick Corea.




The Dan Banks Quintet




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The Incredible Jazz Pianist, Composer DAN BANKS talks about his new album and more

Michelle Ward was joined by a incredibly gifted jazz pianist, composer and researcher, DAN BANKS.

Dan talked about his new album DAN BANKS QUINTET – SIMULATED CITIES which is out on the 1st December.

An interesting conversation with one of the countries top jazz pianists about composing, recording and jazz, including his research into Chick Corea.




The Dan Banks Quintet




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The Incredible Jazz Pianist, Composer DAN BANKS talks about his new album and more

Michelle Ward was joined by a incredibly gifted jazz pianist, composer and researcher, DAN BANKS.

Dan talked about his new album DAN BANKS QUINTET – SIMULATED CITIES which is out on the 1st December.

An interesting conversation with one of the countries top jazz pianists about composing, recording and jazz, including his research into Chick Corea.




The Dan Banks Quintet




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