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Who is Cassandra?! Listen and find out!

A couple of weeks ago, I was visited in the studio by Actress and Performer Andrea Sandell, accompanied by actors Dave Watts and Anthony Reddy, who came in with two colleagues to talk about their new project “Cassandra”.

It’s a suspenseful futuristic thriller currently being filmed in and around the borough.

You can listen to the interview with Andrea below and you can find out more from Andrea on Twitter @arsandell, Dave on @davewatts002 and Anthony @Reddy2act.

It was a great interview and they have some exciting projects lined up including a homage to the ever popular “Dallas” which is taking place on Saturday 11 August (my birthday!) on the terrace of Ingatestone Hall. This original production promises to be a fun filled evening and tickets can be purchased on the door at the bargain price of £10!


Spencer x


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Who is Cassandra?! Listen and find out!

A couple of weeks ago, I was visited in the studio by Actress and Performer Andrea Sandell, accompanied by actors Dave Watts and Anthony Reddy, who came in with two colleagues to talk about their new project “Cassandra”.

It’s a suspenseful futuristic thriller currently being filmed in and around the borough.

You can listen to the interview with Andrea below and you can find out more from Andrea on Twitter @arsandell, Dave on @davewatts002 and Anthony @Reddy2act.

It was a great interview and they have some exciting projects lined up including a homage to the ever popular “Dallas” which is taking place on Saturday 11 August (my birthday!) on the terrace of Ingatestone Hall. This original production promises to be a fun filled evening and tickets can be purchased on the door at the bargain price of £10!


Spencer x


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Who is Cassandra?! Listen and find out!

A couple of weeks ago, I was visited in the studio by Actress and Performer Andrea Sandell, accompanied by actors Dave Watts and Anthony Reddy, who came in with two colleagues to talk about their new project “Cassandra”.

It’s a suspenseful futuristic thriller currently being filmed in and around the borough.

You can listen to the interview with Andrea below and you can find out more from Andrea on Twitter @arsandell, Dave on @davewatts002 and Anthony @Reddy2act.

It was a great interview and they have some exciting projects lined up including a homage to the ever popular “Dallas” which is taking place on Saturday 11 August (my birthday!) on the terrace of Ingatestone Hall. This original production promises to be a fun filled evening and tickets can be purchased on the door at the bargain price of £10!


Spencer x


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Who is Cassandra?! Listen and find out!

A couple of weeks ago, I was visited in the studio by Actress and Performer Andrea Sandell, accompanied by actors Dave Watts and Anthony Reddy, who came in with two colleagues to talk about their new project “Cassandra”.

It’s a suspenseful futuristic thriller currently being filmed in and around the borough.

You can listen to the interview with Andrea below and you can find out more from Andrea on Twitter @arsandell, Dave on @davewatts002 and Anthony @Reddy2act.

It was a great interview and they have some exciting projects lined up including a homage to the ever popular “Dallas” which is taking place on Saturday 11 August (my birthday!) on the terrace of Ingatestone Hall. This original production promises to be a fun filled evening and tickets can be purchased on the door at the bargain price of £10!


Spencer x


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