Brentwood: currently 4°C, cloudy
high today 7°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:46, sunset 16:35

ATJ 24/4/16

I spent a couple of weeks over Easter playing for a show at the Jersey Opera House, where I met jazz pianist and aficionado, Paul Matthews, who I interview for this week’s show in the final 30 minutes of the show.

Listen again at:


ATJ 24/4/16

I spent a couple of weeks over Easter playing for a show at the Jersey Opera House, where I met jazz pianist and aficionado, Paul Matthews, who I interview for this week’s show in the final 30 minutes of the show.

Listen again at:


ATJ 24/4/16

I spent a couple of weeks over Easter playing for a show at the Jersey Opera House, where I met jazz pianist and aficionado, Paul Matthews, who I interview for this week’s show in the final 30 minutes of the show.

Listen again at:


ATJ 24/4/16

I spent a couple of weeks over Easter playing for a show at the Jersey Opera House, where I met jazz pianist and aficionado, Paul Matthews, who I interview for this week’s show in the final 30 minutes of the show.

Listen again at:

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