Brentwood: currently 3°C, cloudy
high today 7°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:58, sunset 16:16
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Pet Shop Boys - All the young dudes
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Valentine’s ATJ (suitable for romance-a-phobics!)

Last week I played an entire show’s worth of tunes which featured ‘love’ in their titles. Fortunately, as I had so many great recordings to pick from it’s a great selection of tunes! So even though it’s only Valentine’s once a year (and you might even wish it was less frequent) you can listen to this show any time.


[mixcloud width=600 height =180][/mixcloud]


Valentine’s ATJ (suitable for romance-a-phobics!)

Last week I played an entire show’s worth of tunes which featured ‘love’ in their titles. Fortunately, as I had so many great recordings to pick from it’s a great selection of tunes! So even though it’s only Valentine’s once a year (and you might even wish it was less frequent) you can listen to this show any time.


[mixcloud width=600 height =180][/mixcloud]


Valentine’s ATJ (suitable for romance-a-phobics!)

Last week I played an entire show’s worth of tunes which featured ‘love’ in their titles. Fortunately, as I had so many great recordings to pick from it’s a great selection of tunes! So even though it’s only Valentine’s once a year (and you might even wish it was less frequent) you can listen to this show any time.


[mixcloud width=600 height =180][/mixcloud]


Valentine’s ATJ (suitable for romance-a-phobics!)

Last week I played an entire show’s worth of tunes which featured ‘love’ in their titles. Fortunately, as I had so many great recordings to pick from it’s a great selection of tunes! So even though it’s only Valentine’s once a year (and you might even wish it was less frequent) you can listen to this show any time.


[mixcloud width=600 height =180][/mixcloud]

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