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Hammers help to raise funds for Prostate Cancer

Hollands Wine Bar hosted a Charity Fundraiser to help raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer charities with the help of two former Hammers, Alvin Martin and Martin Allen!

Alvin and Martin, a few years ago

The event was organised by Chris Platt and Brian Kinnear and we had a chat with both of them.

Chris Platt and Brian Kinnear

Chris is recovering from prostate cancer and is undertaking a fundraising programme which includes running the London Marathon on Sunday! Brian is the owner of Hollands and has hosted a number of charity fundraisers over the years.

You can hear the interview below:

Interview with Brian Kinnear and Chris Platt

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Hammers help to raise funds for Prostate Cancer

Hollands Wine Bar hosted a Charity Fundraiser to help raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer charities with the help of two former Hammers, Alvin Martin and Martin Allen!

Alvin and Martin, a few years ago

The event was organised by Chris Platt and Brian Kinnear and we had a chat with both of them.

Chris Platt and Brian Kinnear

Chris is recovering from prostate cancer and is undertaking a fundraising programme which includes running the London Marathon on Sunday! Brian is the owner of Hollands and has hosted a number of charity fundraisers over the years.

You can hear the interview below:

Interview with Brian Kinnear and Chris Platt

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Hammers help to raise funds for Prostate Cancer

Hollands Wine Bar hosted a Charity Fundraiser to help raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer charities with the help of two former Hammers, Alvin Martin and Martin Allen!

Alvin and Martin, a few years ago

The event was organised by Chris Platt and Brian Kinnear and we had a chat with both of them.

Chris Platt and Brian Kinnear

Chris is recovering from prostate cancer and is undertaking a fundraising programme which includes running the London Marathon on Sunday! Brian is the owner of Hollands and has hosted a number of charity fundraisers over the years.

You can hear the interview below:

Interview with Brian Kinnear and Chris Platt

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Hammers help to raise funds for Prostate Cancer

Hollands Wine Bar hosted a Charity Fundraiser to help raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer charities with the help of two former Hammers, Alvin Martin and Martin Allen!

Alvin and Martin, a few years ago

The event was organised by Chris Platt and Brian Kinnear and we had a chat with both of them.

Chris Platt and Brian Kinnear

Chris is recovering from prostate cancer and is undertaking a fundraising programme which includes running the London Marathon on Sunday! Brian is the owner of Hollands and has hosted a number of charity fundraisers over the years.

You can hear the interview below:

Interview with Brian Kinnear and Chris Platt

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