Brentwood: currently 6°C, cloudy
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:53, sunset 15:49
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Roman Jugg - Truly Electric Camembert 3 (with Mark Elliott) (09 Dec 2024)
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Animals talk with regional accents, apparently!

We learnt today that apparently cats have regional accents!

Not only that but it seems that wolves, birds and even cows have them too, with a farmer from Glastonbury asserting that his cattle “moo” with a definite Somerset drawl.

Well I never!

Cat with attitude

Definitely not talking with a drawl of any kind was Margaret Mills who told us the grisly tale of the Earl of Derwentwater and his Essex connections, notably with the Petre family.

If you missed it listen again here: –

See you next time,


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Animals talk with regional accents, apparently!

We learnt today that apparently cats have regional accents!

Not only that but it seems that wolves, birds and even cows have them too, with a farmer from Glastonbury asserting that his cattle “moo” with a definite Somerset drawl.

Well I never!

Cat with attitude

Definitely not talking with a drawl of any kind was Margaret Mills who told us the grisly tale of the Earl of Derwentwater and his Essex connections, notably with the Petre family.

If you missed it listen again here: –

See you next time,


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Animals talk with regional accents, apparently!

We learnt today that apparently cats have regional accents!

Not only that but it seems that wolves, birds and even cows have them too, with a farmer from Glastonbury asserting that his cattle “moo” with a definite Somerset drawl.

Well I never!

Cat with attitude

Definitely not talking with a drawl of any kind was Margaret Mills who told us the grisly tale of the Earl of Derwentwater and his Essex connections, notably with the Petre family.

If you missed it listen again here: –

See you next time,


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Animals talk with regional accents, apparently!

We learnt today that apparently cats have regional accents!

Not only that but it seems that wolves, birds and even cows have them too, with a farmer from Glastonbury asserting that his cattle “moo” with a definite Somerset drawl.

Well I never!

Cat with attitude

Definitely not talking with a drawl of any kind was Margaret Mills who told us the grisly tale of the Earl of Derwentwater and his Essex connections, notably with the Petre family.

If you missed it listen again here: –

See you next time,


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