On today’s show we learnt about the man who has a total freak out whenever he sees himself in the mirror.
Well he’s actually a clown but the problem is that he suffers from the condition known as “coulrophobia” which is a fear of clowns so if he sees himself wearing the make up he promptly needs a tranquilliser!
Now cast your mind back to the turn of the century. Do you remember all the concerns about the so-called millennium bug?
Well it seems as though we might have had a lucky escape since Facebook, which uses software based on the UNIX code has just hit trouble.
It seems that the date December 31st 1969 has special significance to this computer software with the result that people have been receiving messages congratulating them for being friends on the site for 46 years even though Facebook didn’t come into existence until 2004.
Well I never!
See you again tomorrow,