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Book burning in the USA

William Pynchon 1

Book burning is not something that we readily associate with the USA but that’s exactly what happened to copies of a book on religion written by William Pynchon, a man who was born and bred in Writtle and became one of the Founding Fathers of an area in Massachusetts.

Book burning in USA

Unfortunately his book went down like the proverbial lead balloon with the Puritans and he was forced to return to Essex.

Listen again to what Margaret had to tell me on this subject by clicking on the link below: –

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Book burning in the USA

William Pynchon 1

Book burning is not something that we readily associate with the USA but that’s exactly what happened to copies of a book on religion written by William Pynchon, a man who was born and bred in Writtle and became one of the Founding Fathers of an area in Massachusetts.

Book burning in USA

Unfortunately his book went down like the proverbial lead balloon with the Puritans and he was forced to return to Essex.

Listen again to what Margaret had to tell me on this subject by clicking on the link below: –

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Book burning in the USA

William Pynchon 1

Book burning is not something that we readily associate with the USA but that’s exactly what happened to copies of a book on religion written by William Pynchon, a man who was born and bred in Writtle and became one of the Founding Fathers of an area in Massachusetts.

Book burning in USA

Unfortunately his book went down like the proverbial lead balloon with the Puritans and he was forced to return to Essex.

Listen again to what Margaret had to tell me on this subject by clicking on the link below: –

See you again next week,


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Book burning in the USA

William Pynchon 1

Book burning is not something that we readily associate with the USA but that’s exactly what happened to copies of a book on religion written by William Pynchon, a man who was born and bred in Writtle and became one of the Founding Fathers of an area in Massachusetts.

Book burning in USA

Unfortunately his book went down like the proverbial lead balloon with the Puritans and he was forced to return to Essex.

Listen again to what Margaret had to tell me on this subject by clicking on the link below: –

See you again next week,


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