Brentwood: currently 6°C, light showers
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:52, sunset 15:49
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Catching up with Brooklyn and Hollie from The Voice

On the show this morning Brooklyn and Hollie Barrie popped back into the studio to chat all things Voice battles and played a round of ‘Dope or Nope’ which was all about their coach will.iam. Oh, and of course Madonna falling over was mentioned.

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The Voice Battles begin Saturday from 7pm on BBC One.


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Catching up with Brooklyn and Hollie from The Voice

On the show this morning Brooklyn and Hollie Barrie popped back into the studio to chat all things Voice battles and played a round of ‘Dope or Nope’ which was all about their coach will.iam. Oh, and of course Madonna falling over was mentioned.

Listen back here:

The Voice Battles begin Saturday from 7pm on BBC One.


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Catching up with Brooklyn and Hollie from The Voice

On the show this morning Brooklyn and Hollie Barrie popped back into the studio to chat all things Voice battles and played a round of ‘Dope or Nope’ which was all about their coach will.iam. Oh, and of course Madonna falling over was mentioned.

Listen back here:

The Voice Battles begin Saturday from 7pm on BBC One.


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Catching up with Brooklyn and Hollie from The Voice

On the show this morning Brooklyn and Hollie Barrie popped back into the studio to chat all things Voice battles and played a round of ‘Dope or Nope’ which was all about their coach will.iam. Oh, and of course Madonna falling over was mentioned.

Listen back here:

The Voice Battles begin Saturday from 7pm on BBC One.


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