Brentwood: currently 12°C, cloudy
high today 15°C, low tonight 12°C
sunrise 07:13, sunset 18:17
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Reggae Revival - October 9th
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Billericay Street Pastor Noisy Phil


noisey phil


Always a pleasure to chat to Billericay Street Pastor Noisy Phil who along with the Brentwood & Billericay Street Pastors do so much good work. They help the upset, lost, drunken, lonely people who find themselves wondering about life on a Friday or Saturday night in the early hours. Its not preaching, its helping and its all volunteers. Fantastic group of people doing good for others.

Twitter @billericaysp

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Billericay Street Pastor Noisy Phil


noisey phil


Always a pleasure to chat to Billericay Street Pastor Noisy Phil who along with the Brentwood & Billericay Street Pastors do so much good work. They help the upset, lost, drunken, lonely people who find themselves wondering about life on a Friday or Saturday night in the early hours. Its not preaching, its helping and its all volunteers. Fantastic group of people doing good for others.

Twitter @billericaysp

street pastors

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Billericay Street Pastor Noisy Phil


noisey phil


Always a pleasure to chat to Billericay Street Pastor Noisy Phil who along with the Brentwood & Billericay Street Pastors do so much good work. They help the upset, lost, drunken, lonely people who find themselves wondering about life on a Friday or Saturday night in the early hours. Its not preaching, its helping and its all volunteers. Fantastic group of people doing good for others.

Twitter @billericaysp

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Billericay Street Pastor Noisy Phil


noisey phil


Always a pleasure to chat to Billericay Street Pastor Noisy Phil who along with the Brentwood & Billericay Street Pastors do so much good work. They help the upset, lost, drunken, lonely people who find themselves wondering about life on a Friday or Saturday night in the early hours. Its not preaching, its helping and its all volunteers. Fantastic group of people doing good for others.

Twitter @billericaysp

street pastors

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