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Community Speedwatch Scheme

Is speeding an issue for you in your local community? If so, why don’t you get involved to make your roads a safer place.

The Community Speedwatch representatives are looking for more volunteers to help make the roads in Brentwood safer.

The scheme allows the public to get actively involved in monitoring the speed of vehicles travelling through their neighbourhood and is used in areas where residents have raised concerns.

Full training is given to volunteers and is provided by the casualty reduction team. Volunteers are trained to use Speed Indicator Devices, which display the vehicles’ speed. If they are over the speed limit the owner of the vehicle will be sent a warning letter from their neighbourhood policing team advising them of the speed limit for that stretch of the road and asking them to respect it.

Vice Chair of Safer Brentwood, Councillor John Newberry, who is part of the Shenfield Speedwatch scheme, said: “Community Speed Watch was set up as a result of residents’ concerns and the scheme helps make roads safer in our community for both pedestrians and road users.

We’ve had a great response from the community and would like more volunteers to come forward as it makes a real difference to safety in our streets.”

If you would like to sign up to the Speedwatch scheme and receive training, please email to register your interest.

For more information about the Community Speedwatch scheme and an FAQ, please visit:

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Community Speedwatch Scheme

Is speeding an issue for you in your local community? If so, why don’t you get involved to make your roads a safer place.

The Community Speedwatch representatives are looking for more volunteers to help make the roads in Brentwood safer.

The scheme allows the public to get actively involved in monitoring the speed of vehicles travelling through their neighbourhood and is used in areas where residents have raised concerns.

Full training is given to volunteers and is provided by the casualty reduction team. Volunteers are trained to use Speed Indicator Devices, which display the vehicles’ speed. If they are over the speed limit the owner of the vehicle will be sent a warning letter from their neighbourhood policing team advising them of the speed limit for that stretch of the road and asking them to respect it.

Vice Chair of Safer Brentwood, Councillor John Newberry, who is part of the Shenfield Speedwatch scheme, said: “Community Speed Watch was set up as a result of residents’ concerns and the scheme helps make roads safer in our community for both pedestrians and road users.

We’ve had a great response from the community and would like more volunteers to come forward as it makes a real difference to safety in our streets.”

If you would like to sign up to the Speedwatch scheme and receive training, please email to register your interest.

For more information about the Community Speedwatch scheme and an FAQ, please visit:

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Community Speedwatch Scheme

Is speeding an issue for you in your local community? If so, why don’t you get involved to make your roads a safer place.

The Community Speedwatch representatives are looking for more volunteers to help make the roads in Brentwood safer.

The scheme allows the public to get actively involved in monitoring the speed of vehicles travelling through their neighbourhood and is used in areas where residents have raised concerns.

Full training is given to volunteers and is provided by the casualty reduction team. Volunteers are trained to use Speed Indicator Devices, which display the vehicles’ speed. If they are over the speed limit the owner of the vehicle will be sent a warning letter from their neighbourhood policing team advising them of the speed limit for that stretch of the road and asking them to respect it.

Vice Chair of Safer Brentwood, Councillor John Newberry, who is part of the Shenfield Speedwatch scheme, said: “Community Speed Watch was set up as a result of residents’ concerns and the scheme helps make roads safer in our community for both pedestrians and road users.

We’ve had a great response from the community and would like more volunteers to come forward as it makes a real difference to safety in our streets.”

If you would like to sign up to the Speedwatch scheme and receive training, please email to register your interest.

For more information about the Community Speedwatch scheme and an FAQ, please visit:

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Community Speedwatch Scheme

Is speeding an issue for you in your local community? If so, why don’t you get involved to make your roads a safer place.

The Community Speedwatch representatives are looking for more volunteers to help make the roads in Brentwood safer.

The scheme allows the public to get actively involved in monitoring the speed of vehicles travelling through their neighbourhood and is used in areas where residents have raised concerns.

Full training is given to volunteers and is provided by the casualty reduction team. Volunteers are trained to use Speed Indicator Devices, which display the vehicles’ speed. If they are over the speed limit the owner of the vehicle will be sent a warning letter from their neighbourhood policing team advising them of the speed limit for that stretch of the road and asking them to respect it.

Vice Chair of Safer Brentwood, Councillor John Newberry, who is part of the Shenfield Speedwatch scheme, said: “Community Speed Watch was set up as a result of residents’ concerns and the scheme helps make roads safer in our community for both pedestrians and road users.

We’ve had a great response from the community and would like more volunteers to come forward as it makes a real difference to safety in our streets.”

If you would like to sign up to the Speedwatch scheme and receive training, please email to register your interest.

For more information about the Community Speedwatch scheme and an FAQ, please visit:

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