Brentwood: currently 10°C, clear
high today 11°C, low tonight 3°C
sunrise 07:17, sunset 18:13
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The Quiet Riots App Chicken…


You may have read in the news last week about a man dressed as a chicken standing outside Shenfield rail station holding up a sign saying ‘Are you fed up with Greater Anglia too?’.

That man is called Colin and he was deployed via The Quiet Riots App. Colin joined me in the studio this morning to talk about it all.

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You can download the Quiet Riots App by clicking here


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The Quiet Riots App Chicken…


You may have read in the news last week about a man dressed as a chicken standing outside Shenfield rail station holding up a sign saying ‘Are you fed up with Greater Anglia too?’.

That man is called Colin and he was deployed via The Quiet Riots App. Colin joined me in the studio this morning to talk about it all.

Listen back below:

You can download the Quiet Riots App by clicking here


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The Quiet Riots App Chicken…


You may have read in the news last week about a man dressed as a chicken standing outside Shenfield rail station holding up a sign saying ‘Are you fed up with Greater Anglia too?’.

That man is called Colin and he was deployed via The Quiet Riots App. Colin joined me in the studio this morning to talk about it all.

Listen back below:

You can download the Quiet Riots App by clicking here


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The Quiet Riots App Chicken…


You may have read in the news last week about a man dressed as a chicken standing outside Shenfield rail station holding up a sign saying ‘Are you fed up with Greater Anglia too?’.

That man is called Colin and he was deployed via The Quiet Riots App. Colin joined me in the studio this morning to talk about it all.

Listen back below:

You can download the Quiet Riots App by clicking here


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