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Talented actor/musician Joseph Mann saves the show at Queens Theatre

The rock and roll musical Return To The Forbidden Planet requires some pretty special performers. They have to act, dance, and play several instruments. One even performs the whole show as a robot on roller-skates.

When Frido Ruth, who has played the robot Ariel in countless productions over the 25 year history, was badly injured doing a stunt on stage during the show on Friday night it looked like the show couldn’t carry on.

However, the talented actor-musician Joseph Mann stepped up and learnt the show in 4 hours! He literally saved the day, and was incredible to watch.

I spoke to Joseph today and he told me how he had managed to step into such big shoes..

To see the show on tour next year, go to

Joe Mann

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Talented actor/musician Joseph Mann saves the show at Queens Theatre

The rock and roll musical Return To The Forbidden Planet requires some pretty special performers. They have to act, dance, and play several instruments. One even performs the whole show as a robot on roller-skates.

When Frido Ruth, who has played the robot Ariel in countless productions over the 25 year history, was badly injured doing a stunt on stage during the show on Friday night it looked like the show couldn’t carry on.

However, the talented actor-musician Joseph Mann stepped up and learnt the show in 4 hours! He literally saved the day, and was incredible to watch.

I spoke to Joseph today and he told me how he had managed to step into such big shoes..

To see the show on tour next year, go to

Joe Mann

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Talented actor/musician Joseph Mann saves the show at Queens Theatre

The rock and roll musical Return To The Forbidden Planet requires some pretty special performers. They have to act, dance, and play several instruments. One even performs the whole show as a robot on roller-skates.

When Frido Ruth, who has played the robot Ariel in countless productions over the 25 year history, was badly injured doing a stunt on stage during the show on Friday night it looked like the show couldn’t carry on.

However, the talented actor-musician Joseph Mann stepped up and learnt the show in 4 hours! He literally saved the day, and was incredible to watch.

I spoke to Joseph today and he told me how he had managed to step into such big shoes..

To see the show on tour next year, go to

Joe Mann

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Talented actor/musician Joseph Mann saves the show at Queens Theatre

The rock and roll musical Return To The Forbidden Planet requires some pretty special performers. They have to act, dance, and play several instruments. One even performs the whole show as a robot on roller-skates.

When Frido Ruth, who has played the robot Ariel in countless productions over the 25 year history, was badly injured doing a stunt on stage during the show on Friday night it looked like the show couldn’t carry on.

However, the talented actor-musician Joseph Mann stepped up and learnt the show in 4 hours! He literally saved the day, and was incredible to watch.

I spoke to Joseph today and he told me how he had managed to step into such big shoes..

To see the show on tour next year, go to

Joe Mann

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