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EMB talks to Shilos Land


I met Shilos Land at a secret location a few weeks back! Great band, Paul Copestake, Tony Eve and Callum Eve. This musical collaborators have come up with some pretty impressive material.

The new single COVER UP is out now available on ITUNES. Its so good, its going on our A List.

Available to buy on ITUNES

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EMB talks to Shilos Land


I met Shilos Land at a secret location a few weeks back! Great band, Paul Copestake, Tony Eve and Callum Eve. This musical collaborators have come up with some pretty impressive material.

The new single COVER UP is out now available on ITUNES. Its so good, its going on our A List.

Available to buy on ITUNES

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EMB talks to Shilos Land


I met Shilos Land at a secret location a few weeks back! Great band, Paul Copestake, Tony Eve and Callum Eve. This musical collaborators have come up with some pretty impressive material.

The new single COVER UP is out now available on ITUNES. Its so good, its going on our A List.

Available to buy on ITUNES

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EMB talks to Shilos Land


I met Shilos Land at a secret location a few weeks back! Great band, Paul Copestake, Tony Eve and Callum Eve. This musical collaborators have come up with some pretty impressive material.

The new single COVER UP is out now available on ITUNES. Its so good, its going on our A List.

Available to buy on ITUNES

Tweet @ShilosLand

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