Brentwood: currently 3°C, cloudy
high today 5°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:56, sunset 16:21
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La Belle Epoque - Black Is Black (M)
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Super Fan of Eat my Brunch Hannah in a Bucket!

hannah in a bucket

(Helena & Hannah)

Hannah tunes in all the way from Scotland, when she can, she has to work you know! Hannah is a professional singer/actress and we talked about her music and life a few weeks back.

I met Hannah through another one of my guests, the band WOMAN who are just awesome vocalists. Hannah listened to the interview a good six months back and stayed tuned in from then on in.

Thanks Hannah, you are now a SUPER FAN along with Con! Lovely to have your chirpy Tweets. Tune in to Hannah.



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Super Fan of Eat my Brunch Hannah in a Bucket!

hannah in a bucket

(Helena & Hannah)

Hannah tunes in all the way from Scotland, when she can, she has to work you know! Hannah is a professional singer/actress and we talked about her music and life a few weeks back.

I met Hannah through another one of my guests, the band WOMAN who are just awesome vocalists. Hannah listened to the interview a good six months back and stayed tuned in from then on in.

Thanks Hannah, you are now a SUPER FAN along with Con! Lovely to have your chirpy Tweets. Tune in to Hannah.



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Super Fan of Eat my Brunch Hannah in a Bucket!

hannah in a bucket

(Helena & Hannah)

Hannah tunes in all the way from Scotland, when she can, she has to work you know! Hannah is a professional singer/actress and we talked about her music and life a few weeks back.

I met Hannah through another one of my guests, the band WOMAN who are just awesome vocalists. Hannah listened to the interview a good six months back and stayed tuned in from then on in.

Thanks Hannah, you are now a SUPER FAN along with Con! Lovely to have your chirpy Tweets. Tune in to Hannah.



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Super Fan of Eat my Brunch Hannah in a Bucket!

hannah in a bucket

(Helena & Hannah)

Hannah tunes in all the way from Scotland, when she can, she has to work you know! Hannah is a professional singer/actress and we talked about her music and life a few weeks back.

I met Hannah through another one of my guests, the band WOMAN who are just awesome vocalists. Hannah listened to the interview a good six months back and stayed tuned in from then on in.

Thanks Hannah, you are now a SUPER FAN along with Con! Lovely to have your chirpy Tweets. Tune in to Hannah.



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