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John Brandler from Brandler Galleries Talks Art, Investments & Banksy

john brandler

John Brandler is the owner of Brandler Galleries. John has been based in Brentwood for over 30 years and his expertise in the art world is renowned. John invites you to come into the gallery, have a look around, talk art, look at investments, he was after all the person to buy Banksy works before Banksy became famous (good move), plus a host of other artists.

John’s advice… buy what you like and with art work starting from £25.00 – £30k there is something for everyone.

People come not only from Essex to see John but from all over the World. For a friendly, informative, chatty, enthusiastic host, pop along to Brandler Galleries

WHO IS BANKSY? Banksy is a pseudonymous United Kingdom-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter. His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humour with graffiti executed in a distinctive stencilling technique

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John Brandler from Brandler Galleries Talks Art, Investments & Banksy

john brandler

John Brandler is the owner of Brandler Galleries. John has been based in Brentwood for over 30 years and his expertise in the art world is renowned. John invites you to come into the gallery, have a look around, talk art, look at investments, he was after all the person to buy Banksy works before Banksy became famous (good move), plus a host of other artists.

John’s advice… buy what you like and with art work starting from £25.00 – £30k there is something for everyone.

People come not only from Essex to see John but from all over the World. For a friendly, informative, chatty, enthusiastic host, pop along to Brandler Galleries

WHO IS BANKSY? Banksy is a pseudonymous United Kingdom-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter. His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humour with graffiti executed in a distinctive stencilling technique

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John Brandler from Brandler Galleries Talks Art, Investments & Banksy

john brandler

John Brandler is the owner of Brandler Galleries. John has been based in Brentwood for over 30 years and his expertise in the art world is renowned. John invites you to come into the gallery, have a look around, talk art, look at investments, he was after all the person to buy Banksy works before Banksy became famous (good move), plus a host of other artists.

John’s advice… buy what you like and with art work starting from £25.00 – £30k there is something for everyone.

People come not only from Essex to see John but from all over the World. For a friendly, informative, chatty, enthusiastic host, pop along to Brandler Galleries

WHO IS BANKSY? Banksy is a pseudonymous United Kingdom-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter. His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humour with graffiti executed in a distinctive stencilling technique

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John Brandler from Brandler Galleries Talks Art, Investments & Banksy

john brandler

John Brandler is the owner of Brandler Galleries. John has been based in Brentwood for over 30 years and his expertise in the art world is renowned. John invites you to come into the gallery, have a look around, talk art, look at investments, he was after all the person to buy Banksy works before Banksy became famous (good move), plus a host of other artists.

John’s advice… buy what you like and with art work starting from £25.00 – £30k there is something for everyone.

People come not only from Essex to see John but from all over the World. For a friendly, informative, chatty, enthusiastic host, pop along to Brandler Galleries

WHO IS BANKSY? Banksy is a pseudonymous United Kingdom-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter. His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humour with graffiti executed in a distinctive stencilling technique

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