Brentwood: currently 13°C, light rain
high today 13°C, low tonight 8°C
sunrise 07:48, sunset 15:50
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Cliff Bennett And The Rebel Rousers - Got To Get You Into My Life
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All That Jazz 10 (Bill Evans special edition)

On Monday I dedicated my show to the late, great pianist Bill Evans, cataloging his music from the early days of his career up to the mid-sixties (and probably the peak of his fame).

Listen again here:

[mixcloud width=620 height=180][/mixcloud]


All That Jazz 10 (Bill Evans special edition)

On Monday I dedicated my show to the late, great pianist Bill Evans, cataloging his music from the early days of his career up to the mid-sixties (and probably the peak of his fame).

Listen again here:

[mixcloud width=620 height=180][/mixcloud]


All That Jazz 10 (Bill Evans special edition)

On Monday I dedicated my show to the late, great pianist Bill Evans, cataloging his music from the early days of his career up to the mid-sixties (and probably the peak of his fame).

Listen again here:

[mixcloud width=620 height=180][/mixcloud]


All That Jazz 10 (Bill Evans special edition)

On Monday I dedicated my show to the late, great pianist Bill Evans, cataloging his music from the early days of his career up to the mid-sixties (and probably the peak of his fame).

Listen again here:

[mixcloud width=620 height=180][/mixcloud]

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