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ROY TYZACK’S CRIME TIME SHOW II – This month retired C.I.D Officer Roy Tyzack covers a real life murder case and how it was solved.

[audio:|titles=20120330120010 rou tyzack show 2 edited] Click here to listen to the interview.


Retired C.I.D. Officer, Roy Tyzack, joined me in the studio this month to talk over a real life murder case and how it was solved.

Helen Maughan was a 24 year old woman from Colchester who’s half naked body was found in the river Colne, Colchester on May 20th. 2007.

Roy leads you through the twists and turns of the investigation and how his CCTV evidence not only convicted 2 teenage killers but also freed an
innocent man’.

Roy is a retired Police detective, having worked in Whitechapel through the 1970’s and 80’s and then with Essex Police Forensics and Major
Investigation Team for approx 8 years or so before retiring about 18 months ago.

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ROY TYZACK’S CRIME TIME SHOW II – This month retired C.I.D Officer Roy Tyzack covers a real life murder case and how it was solved.

[audio:|titles=20120330120010 rou tyzack show 2 edited] Click here to listen to the interview.


Retired C.I.D. Officer, Roy Tyzack, joined me in the studio this month to talk over a real life murder case and how it was solved.

Helen Maughan was a 24 year old woman from Colchester who’s half naked body was found in the river Colne, Colchester on May 20th. 2007.

Roy leads you through the twists and turns of the investigation and how his CCTV evidence not only convicted 2 teenage killers but also freed an
innocent man’.

Roy is a retired Police detective, having worked in Whitechapel through the 1970’s and 80’s and then with Essex Police Forensics and Major
Investigation Team for approx 8 years or so before retiring about 18 months ago.

Looking forward to show three already!

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ROY TYZACK’S CRIME TIME SHOW II – This month retired C.I.D Officer Roy Tyzack covers a real life murder case and how it was solved.

[audio:|titles=20120330120010 rou tyzack show 2 edited] Click here to listen to the interview.


Retired C.I.D. Officer, Roy Tyzack, joined me in the studio this month to talk over a real life murder case and how it was solved.

Helen Maughan was a 24 year old woman from Colchester who’s half naked body was found in the river Colne, Colchester on May 20th. 2007.

Roy leads you through the twists and turns of the investigation and how his CCTV evidence not only convicted 2 teenage killers but also freed an
innocent man’.

Roy is a retired Police detective, having worked in Whitechapel through the 1970’s and 80’s and then with Essex Police Forensics and Major
Investigation Team for approx 8 years or so before retiring about 18 months ago.

Looking forward to show three already!

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ROY TYZACK’S CRIME TIME SHOW II – This month retired C.I.D Officer Roy Tyzack covers a real life murder case and how it was solved.

[audio:|titles=20120330120010 rou tyzack show 2 edited] Click here to listen to the interview.


Retired C.I.D. Officer, Roy Tyzack, joined me in the studio this month to talk over a real life murder case and how it was solved.

Helen Maughan was a 24 year old woman from Colchester who’s half naked body was found in the river Colne, Colchester on May 20th. 2007.

Roy leads you through the twists and turns of the investigation and how his CCTV evidence not only convicted 2 teenage killers but also freed an
innocent man’.

Roy is a retired Police detective, having worked in Whitechapel through the 1970’s and 80’s and then with Essex Police Forensics and Major
Investigation Team for approx 8 years or so before retiring about 18 months ago.

Looking forward to show three already!

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