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ROY TYZACKS CRIME TIME Ex C.I.D Police Officer talks Whitechapel, Jack the Ripper, The Krays and much more.

INTERVIEW [audio:|titles=roy tzack 23rd feb edited]

Fantastic new show on Phoenix called ROY TYZACKS CRIME TIME in which ex C.I.D Officer Roy talks over famous crime cases, forensic techniques and changes in policing.

In the first show Roy spoke about his time working in Whitechapel, The Krays, Jack the Ripper, forensic techniques and much more.


Roy was a Police officer in the Met Police from the early 1970’s until the late
80’s. He served in Whitechapel both as a uniformed officer and C.I.D. officer
working at Leman Street, Arbour Square, Limehouse, Isle of Dogs and Bow Road
Police stations before moving to Ilford, Chadwell Heath and Wanstead.
Roy was also Policing the East End in the 70’s in the wake of the Kray and
Richardson gangs. Policing from the 70’s until the modern day.  He was on murder
squads in the East End in the 70’s. He was also a member of the Major
Investigation Team in Essex Police until a couple of years ago investigating
serious crime including many Essex murders.
Besides all the above, Roy knows all about the advances in Forensic techniques as he worked as a Forensic
officer with Essex for 3 years.


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ROY TYZACKS CRIME TIME Ex C.I.D Police Officer talks Whitechapel, Jack the Ripper, The Krays and much more.

INTERVIEW [audio:|titles=roy tzack 23rd feb edited]

Fantastic new show on Phoenix called ROY TYZACKS CRIME TIME in which ex C.I.D Officer Roy talks over famous crime cases, forensic techniques and changes in policing.

In the first show Roy spoke about his time working in Whitechapel, The Krays, Jack the Ripper, forensic techniques and much more.


Roy was a Police officer in the Met Police from the early 1970’s until the late
80’s. He served in Whitechapel both as a uniformed officer and C.I.D. officer
working at Leman Street, Arbour Square, Limehouse, Isle of Dogs and Bow Road
Police stations before moving to Ilford, Chadwell Heath and Wanstead.
Roy was also Policing the East End in the 70’s in the wake of the Kray and
Richardson gangs. Policing from the 70’s until the modern day.  He was on murder
squads in the East End in the 70’s. He was also a member of the Major
Investigation Team in Essex Police until a couple of years ago investigating
serious crime including many Essex murders.
Besides all the above, Roy knows all about the advances in Forensic techniques as he worked as a Forensic
officer with Essex for 3 years.


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ROY TYZACKS CRIME TIME Ex C.I.D Police Officer talks Whitechapel, Jack the Ripper, The Krays and much more.

INTERVIEW [audio:|titles=roy tzack 23rd feb edited]

Fantastic new show on Phoenix called ROY TYZACKS CRIME TIME in which ex C.I.D Officer Roy talks over famous crime cases, forensic techniques and changes in policing.

In the first show Roy spoke about his time working in Whitechapel, The Krays, Jack the Ripper, forensic techniques and much more.


Roy was a Police officer in the Met Police from the early 1970’s until the late
80’s. He served in Whitechapel both as a uniformed officer and C.I.D. officer
working at Leman Street, Arbour Square, Limehouse, Isle of Dogs and Bow Road
Police stations before moving to Ilford, Chadwell Heath and Wanstead.
Roy was also Policing the East End in the 70’s in the wake of the Kray and
Richardson gangs. Policing from the 70’s until the modern day.  He was on murder
squads in the East End in the 70’s. He was also a member of the Major
Investigation Team in Essex Police until a couple of years ago investigating
serious crime including many Essex murders.
Besides all the above, Roy knows all about the advances in Forensic techniques as he worked as a Forensic
officer with Essex for 3 years.


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ROY TYZACKS CRIME TIME Ex C.I.D Police Officer talks Whitechapel, Jack the Ripper, The Krays and much more.

INTERVIEW [audio:|titles=roy tzack 23rd feb edited]

Fantastic new show on Phoenix called ROY TYZACKS CRIME TIME in which ex C.I.D Officer Roy talks over famous crime cases, forensic techniques and changes in policing.

In the first show Roy spoke about his time working in Whitechapel, The Krays, Jack the Ripper, forensic techniques and much more.


Roy was a Police officer in the Met Police from the early 1970’s until the late
80’s. He served in Whitechapel both as a uniformed officer and C.I.D. officer
working at Leman Street, Arbour Square, Limehouse, Isle of Dogs and Bow Road
Police stations before moving to Ilford, Chadwell Heath and Wanstead.
Roy was also Policing the East End in the 70’s in the wake of the Kray and
Richardson gangs. Policing from the 70’s until the modern day.  He was on murder
squads in the East End in the 70’s. He was also a member of the Major
Investigation Team in Essex Police until a couple of years ago investigating
serious crime including many Essex murders.
Besides all the above, Roy knows all about the advances in Forensic techniques as he worked as a Forensic
officer with Essex for 3 years.


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