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Locial by Social & Crown Street with Laurie Edmonds and Jane Miles from Brentwood Bells WI

Monday 21st November – Wednesday 22nd  November

I had a short week here on Phoenix due to preparations that I need to have underway for my gluten free nutritional baking stall at Crown Street for the Lighting Up Event this Saturday. I have had this event in my mind for quite sometime and been brainstorming and planning for it ever since so it’s the final week before and I am very nervous about all my ingredients arriving in time and the hectic day of baking beforehand! To find out more about my baking adventure and the story behind it see my blog at:


On Tuesday Laurie Edmonds from Local By Social came in to talk to me about the organisations local to Brentwood she is currently involved with and why she began Local By Social. Laurie is a lady I very much admire and look up to due to her community mindedness and passion for people. I hope I still feel the same way about Brentwood in years to come. Laurie, in my opinion, is a fine example of ‘The Only Way Is…BRENTWOOD!’ I could go on blowing her trumpet all day but I’ll shut up now and just let you see what you think from our discussion, click:

Talking to Laurie Edmonds from Locial By Social
For more about Crown Street, Local By Social and Brentwood Tweetup click on the links below to take you to their webpages.

On Wednesday another very local lady who I have not known for quite as long, Jane Miles, came into the studio to speak to me about the Brentwood Bells WI in our community. The Brentwood Bells WI only began about a year ago and just by looking at the figures of reaching 120 members (meaning it reached it’s maximum capacity, due to size of South Weald Village Hall), within it’s first year proves that women in Brentwood were in much need of an organisation and social group of this kind. This linked in nicely with my previous guest, Laurie Edmonds, as this is one of the organisations she is involved with. To learn more about the Brentwood Bells and what differentiates it from smaller or what is often thought of as traditional WI groups please click our discussion below or visit the links to their website:

Chatting to Jane Miles from Brentwood Bells WI

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Locial by Social & Crown Street with Laurie Edmonds and Jane Miles from Brentwood Bells WI

Monday 21st November – Wednesday 22nd  November

I had a short week here on Phoenix due to preparations that I need to have underway for my gluten free nutritional baking stall at Crown Street for the Lighting Up Event this Saturday. I have had this event in my mind for quite sometime and been brainstorming and planning for it ever since so it’s the final week before and I am very nervous about all my ingredients arriving in time and the hectic day of baking beforehand! To find out more about my baking adventure and the story behind it see my blog at:


On Tuesday Laurie Edmonds from Local By Social came in to talk to me about the organisations local to Brentwood she is currently involved with and why she began Local By Social. Laurie is a lady I very much admire and look up to due to her community mindedness and passion for people. I hope I still feel the same way about Brentwood in years to come. Laurie, in my opinion, is a fine example of ‘The Only Way Is…BRENTWOOD!’ I could go on blowing her trumpet all day but I’ll shut up now and just let you see what you think from our discussion, click:

Talking to Laurie Edmonds from Locial By Social
For more about Crown Street, Local By Social and Brentwood Tweetup click on the links below to take you to their webpages.

On Wednesday another very local lady who I have not known for quite as long, Jane Miles, came into the studio to speak to me about the Brentwood Bells WI in our community. The Brentwood Bells WI only began about a year ago and just by looking at the figures of reaching 120 members (meaning it reached it’s maximum capacity, due to size of South Weald Village Hall), within it’s first year proves that women in Brentwood were in much need of an organisation and social group of this kind. This linked in nicely with my previous guest, Laurie Edmonds, as this is one of the organisations she is involved with. To learn more about the Brentwood Bells and what differentiates it from smaller or what is often thought of as traditional WI groups please click our discussion below or visit the links to their website:

Chatting to Jane Miles from Brentwood Bells WI

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Locial by Social & Crown Street with Laurie Edmonds and Jane Miles from Brentwood Bells WI

Monday 21st November – Wednesday 22nd  November

I had a short week here on Phoenix due to preparations that I need to have underway for my gluten free nutritional baking stall at Crown Street for the Lighting Up Event this Saturday. I have had this event in my mind for quite sometime and been brainstorming and planning for it ever since so it’s the final week before and I am very nervous about all my ingredients arriving in time and the hectic day of baking beforehand! To find out more about my baking adventure and the story behind it see my blog at:


On Tuesday Laurie Edmonds from Local By Social came in to talk to me about the organisations local to Brentwood she is currently involved with and why she began Local By Social. Laurie is a lady I very much admire and look up to due to her community mindedness and passion for people. I hope I still feel the same way about Brentwood in years to come. Laurie, in my opinion, is a fine example of ‘The Only Way Is…BRENTWOOD!’ I could go on blowing her trumpet all day but I’ll shut up now and just let you see what you think from our discussion, click:

Talking to Laurie Edmonds from Locial By Social
For more about Crown Street, Local By Social and Brentwood Tweetup click on the links below to take you to their webpages.

On Wednesday another very local lady who I have not known for quite as long, Jane Miles, came into the studio to speak to me about the Brentwood Bells WI in our community. The Brentwood Bells WI only began about a year ago and just by looking at the figures of reaching 120 members (meaning it reached it’s maximum capacity, due to size of South Weald Village Hall), within it’s first year proves that women in Brentwood were in much need of an organisation and social group of this kind. This linked in nicely with my previous guest, Laurie Edmonds, as this is one of the organisations she is involved with. To learn more about the Brentwood Bells and what differentiates it from smaller or what is often thought of as traditional WI groups please click our discussion below or visit the links to their website:

Chatting to Jane Miles from Brentwood Bells WI

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Locial by Social & Crown Street with Laurie Edmonds and Jane Miles from Brentwood Bells WI

Monday 21st November – Wednesday 22nd  November

I had a short week here on Phoenix due to preparations that I need to have underway for my gluten free nutritional baking stall at Crown Street for the Lighting Up Event this Saturday. I have had this event in my mind for quite sometime and been brainstorming and planning for it ever since so it’s the final week before and I am very nervous about all my ingredients arriving in time and the hectic day of baking beforehand! To find out more about my baking adventure and the story behind it see my blog at:


On Tuesday Laurie Edmonds from Local By Social came in to talk to me about the organisations local to Brentwood she is currently involved with and why she began Local By Social. Laurie is a lady I very much admire and look up to due to her community mindedness and passion for people. I hope I still feel the same way about Brentwood in years to come. Laurie, in my opinion, is a fine example of ‘The Only Way Is…BRENTWOOD!’ I could go on blowing her trumpet all day but I’ll shut up now and just let you see what you think from our discussion, click:

Talking to Laurie Edmonds from Locial By Social
For more about Crown Street, Local By Social and Brentwood Tweetup click on the links below to take you to their webpages.

On Wednesday another very local lady who I have not known for quite as long, Jane Miles, came into the studio to speak to me about the Brentwood Bells WI in our community. The Brentwood Bells WI only began about a year ago and just by looking at the figures of reaching 120 members (meaning it reached it’s maximum capacity, due to size of South Weald Village Hall), within it’s first year proves that women in Brentwood were in much need of an organisation and social group of this kind. This linked in nicely with my previous guest, Laurie Edmonds, as this is one of the organisations she is involved with. To learn more about the Brentwood Bells and what differentiates it from smaller or what is often thought of as traditional WI groups please click our discussion below or visit the links to their website:

Chatting to Jane Miles from Brentwood Bells WI

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