I’ve finally managed to enjoy some of the great weather the UK has been basking in over the past fortnight. A weekend off of the day job provided the opportunity to head down to Folkestone for a couple of days. Sitting on a sea wall eating freshly caught and cooked fish and chips was definitely a highlight, and one of those very British things that felt good to do six days before St George’s Day. The other highlight would be the free bar each night at the hotel. I’ll let you guess which of the two activities comes first in my affections!
Monday’s show on Drive has Stephen Murphy from Inside Soap magazine giving us the low-down on this week’s soaps, including Kat and Ronnie reeling from the baby swap-swap back on Eastenders, and Maria telling all about Frank to boyfriend Chris on Coronation Street. Mike Jones was chatting to Brentwood boss Steve Witherspoon too as he rounded-up a weekend of local sport once more. [audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Mike-Jones-Sports-Report-04-18th-Apr.mp3|titles=Mike Jones – Sports Report 04-18th Apr]