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Something that you don’t know and didn’t want to know but today you will know

Something random from today’s Eat My Lunch (as always).

Male wolf spiders cannibalise older females, scientists in Uruguay have discovered!

In several species, female spiders are known to eat males, but this is the first time biologists have seen the roles reversed in the wild.

The male spiders were observed mating with virgins and eating older, less reproductively successful females.

Thats men for you 🙂 x

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Something that you don’t know and didn’t want to know but today you will know

Something random from today’s Eat My Lunch (as always).

Male wolf spiders cannibalise older females, scientists in Uruguay have discovered!

In several species, female spiders are known to eat males, but this is the first time biologists have seen the roles reversed in the wild.

The male spiders were observed mating with virgins and eating older, less reproductively successful females.

Thats men for you 🙂 x

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Something that you don’t know and didn’t want to know but today you will know

Something random from today’s Eat My Lunch (as always).

Male wolf spiders cannibalise older females, scientists in Uruguay have discovered!

In several species, female spiders are known to eat males, but this is the first time biologists have seen the roles reversed in the wild.

The male spiders were observed mating with virgins and eating older, less reproductively successful females.

Thats men for you 🙂 x

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Something that you don’t know and didn’t want to know but today you will know

Something random from today’s Eat My Lunch (as always).

Male wolf spiders cannibalise older females, scientists in Uruguay have discovered!

In several species, female spiders are known to eat males, but this is the first time biologists have seen the roles reversed in the wild.

The male spiders were observed mating with virgins and eating older, less reproductively successful females.

Thats men for you 🙂 x

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