Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 6°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:54, sunset 15:49
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Today’s guest – Nigel Clarke

My guests in the studio today was the ever lovely Nigel Clarke from The Hair Company and Mark P Reed from Brentwood Theatre.

We discussed parking in Brentwood and why does it cost 10 quid to park if you stay for a few hours?! No solutions as of yet. Also Mark talked about up and coming productions at the Brentwood Theatre.

I explained to Nigel I had been wearing some support knickers that came up under my bra as I went out on a date. I said I needed to be cut out of them by the end of the evening. Nice that I share such lovely stories live on air with two great people who do so much for Brentwood! Seriously, the amount of work they both do as councillors is astounding.

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Today’s guest – Nigel Clarke

My guests in the studio today was the ever lovely Nigel Clarke from The Hair Company and Mark P Reed from Brentwood Theatre.

We discussed parking in Brentwood and why does it cost 10 quid to park if you stay for a few hours?! No solutions as of yet. Also Mark talked about up and coming productions at the Brentwood Theatre.

I explained to Nigel I had been wearing some support knickers that came up under my bra as I went out on a date. I said I needed to be cut out of them by the end of the evening. Nice that I share such lovely stories live on air with two great people who do so much for Brentwood! Seriously, the amount of work they both do as councillors is astounding.

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Today’s guest – Nigel Clarke

My guests in the studio today was the ever lovely Nigel Clarke from The Hair Company and Mark P Reed from Brentwood Theatre.

We discussed parking in Brentwood and why does it cost 10 quid to park if you stay for a few hours?! No solutions as of yet. Also Mark talked about up and coming productions at the Brentwood Theatre.

I explained to Nigel I had been wearing some support knickers that came up under my bra as I went out on a date. I said I needed to be cut out of them by the end of the evening. Nice that I share such lovely stories live on air with two great people who do so much for Brentwood! Seriously, the amount of work they both do as councillors is astounding.

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Today’s guest – Nigel Clarke

My guests in the studio today was the ever lovely Nigel Clarke from The Hair Company and Mark P Reed from Brentwood Theatre.

We discussed parking in Brentwood and why does it cost 10 quid to park if you stay for a few hours?! No solutions as of yet. Also Mark talked about up and coming productions at the Brentwood Theatre.

I explained to Nigel I had been wearing some support knickers that came up under my bra as I went out on a date. I said I needed to be cut out of them by the end of the evening. Nice that I share such lovely stories live on air with two great people who do so much for Brentwood! Seriously, the amount of work they both do as councillors is astounding.

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