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Responsible Gambling Initiatives in Slovenia

Gambling is an entertaining activity that is loved by many people on our planet. Gamblers can choose from modern casino games, relax after a busy day and, if lucky, earn some money. There are also a lot of professional players who make a good living from gambling and sports betting. But there is a dark side of gambling that those who favour this industry don’t want to talk about.

Gambling is not so innocent because it can be problematic for many players and causes serious addiction that, like other addictions, needs professional help. You may be familiar with responsible gambling, which includes measures and practices that can help people fight gambling addiction and make better decisions while gambling. Promoting responsible gambling together with raising awareness about gambling problems and its dangerous consequences is essential to maintaining a healthy gambling industry and protecting players.

The Current State of Gambling in Slovenia

Gambling is a popular hobby in Slovenia and adored by many residents. There are a lot of brick-and-mortar casinos in the country, which are often located in tourist areas and attract fun-seeking locals as well as foreign guests. Due to the development of online casinos, convenience, accessibility, and variety of casino games, countless gamblers nowadays prefer to gamble online.

Slovenia is currently not battling a serious epidemic of gambling addiction, but the number of addicted gamblers is growing due to the rise of online casinos. COVID-19 also had a massive impact on the current gambling problem, as many people resorted to online gambling due to boredom, loneliness, feeling trapped, and other issues. A massive trend that we are witnessing in Slovenia and other countries is underage gambling, which is enjoyed by many teenagers and pre-teens. They can easily get addicted to gambling due to lax regulations in online casinos, and because of their age, they are prone to developing addiction faster.

Je širjenje ozaveščenosti o odgovornem igranju na srečo bistveno za zaščito igralcev in ohranjanje zdravega odnosa do hazardiranja. Zavedati se je treba nevarnosti iger na srečo in negativnih posledic, ki jih prinašajo, tako za odvisne igralce iger na srečo kot za njihove svojce. Če iščete najboljše spletne kazinoje v Sloveniji z odgovornimi možnostmi za igro, obiščite, in odkrijte preverjene ter varne spletne strani z odličnimi kazino igrami in drugimi prednostmi,Miloslav Hanzlowsky, CasinoRIX Slovenia gambling expert.

Slovenian Regulatory Framework for Responsible Gambling

One of the most well-known practices gamblers can use to protect themselves is self-exclusion. It is a method used in Slovenia and other countries, where a gambler who notices signs of problematic behaviour bans himself from entering a land-based casino or online casino. Gambling self-exclusion in Slovenia is regulated by the Gambling Act (Article 9). The gambler can request from casino providers that they prohibit him from participating in gambling for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of three years. During this time, he can’t revoke the written declaration of self-exclusion. In addition to self-exclusion, the government and non-governmental organisations warn of the dangers of casino games and spread awareness about responsible gambling in different ways. You can read a lot of helpful information about gambling addiction and tips for a healthy gambling attitude online. You can also get help via live chat, phone number, and email. You can contact support groups and an addiction treatment centre in Nova Gorica or other medical institutions in Slovenia. There is also an online application RE.START, which helps gamblers fight addiction.

Future Prospects

The concept of responsible gambling plays a crucial role in the fight against gambling addiction, which has been on the rise in recent years. Because of online casinos, gambling has never been easier as gamblers can play 24/7 in the haven of their homes, where it is easier to hide their addiction. We are in a critical era where governments, non-profit organisations, and casinos need to come together and intensively focus on safe gambling. At the same time, each gambler must first take care of their own security while visiting casinos. It is necessary to be aware of the dangers of games, to avoid excessive gambling, to set a budget that cannot be exceeded, and to use other practices that maintain a healthy attitude towards gambling.


Gambling can be fun and innocent, but it can quickly turn into an addiction. Every person who enters the world of gambling must be aware of the negative consequences that come with it and be familiar with responsible gambling. This concept includes safe practices that protect gamblers and help maintain a sustainable gaming industry.

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