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Standon Calling 2019: Mudlarks

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This year at Standon Calling we caught-up with Vic from local charity Mudlarks. The organisation is a Hertford based charity supporting adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues. They run their own allotment gardens, along with Hertford’s only vegetarian and vegan café, which is based in Railway Street.

It has been a busy and successful year for Mudlarks, as Vic explained. This year the organisation was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, which is the highest award given to UK volunteer groups.

More information on the work of Mudlarks is available via their website.

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Standon Calling 2019: Mudlarks

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This year at Standon Calling we caught-up with Vic from local charity Mudlarks. The organisation is a Hertford based charity supporting adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues. They run their own allotment gardens, along with Hertford’s only vegetarian and vegan café, which is based in Railway Street.

It has been a busy and successful year for Mudlarks, as Vic explained. This year the organisation was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, which is the highest award given to UK volunteer groups.

More information on the work of Mudlarks is available via their website.

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Standon Calling 2019: Mudlarks

To listen to the interview, click below:

This year at Standon Calling we caught-up with Vic from local charity Mudlarks. The organisation is a Hertford based charity supporting adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues. They run their own allotment gardens, along with Hertford’s only vegetarian and vegan café, which is based in Railway Street.

It has been a busy and successful year for Mudlarks, as Vic explained. This year the organisation was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, which is the highest award given to UK volunteer groups.

More information on the work of Mudlarks is available via their website.

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Standon Calling 2019: Mudlarks

To listen to the interview, click below:

This year at Standon Calling we caught-up with Vic from local charity Mudlarks. The organisation is a Hertford based charity supporting adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues. They run their own allotment gardens, along with Hertford’s only vegetarian and vegan café, which is based in Railway Street.

It has been a busy and successful year for Mudlarks, as Vic explained. This year the organisation was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, which is the highest award given to UK volunteer groups.

More information on the work of Mudlarks is available via their website.

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